Originally Posted by Rivercat09
I have a 500 too, but haven't mustered the guts to shoot it. Sweet piece! I hate to admit this, but I haven't fired a weapon since before trophy rock season due to me spending too much time chasing these silly fish. I should being the 500 up with me sometime to Cresap.
Don (ChannelCat at Md Shooters)
I should really do one of those Md Shooter shoots too, lots of great people there. But alas, I was hypnotized by the siren call that was an exposive fall rock season.
Frostbite Shoot....Feb 21st!!!
Fishing sort of overtook shooting for the fall for me too....I can shoot at an indoor range during the winter....can't fish indoors (unless you have one of them fancy pilothouse boats! It gets cold on my little redneck rocket of a bass boat!)