2011 was an "interesting" year. We had a couple of really bad storms close together that flooded the bay with more debris than I've ever seen in my life.
Oddly enough, for me the fishing stayed pretty good following those storms. It just took us 10x longer to get to where we wanted to fish.
Now that the debris is 99% gone and most of the shorelines have been cleaned up, I suppose it's a waiting game to see what effect, if any the sunken debris will have on this year's fishing.
I didn't see any algae blooms north of the bridge in 2011 and I can't recall hearing of any bad ones anywhere. Maybe someone has other info?
I saw NO Skates north of the bridge or at the bridge in 2011. Previous years they were pretty thick.
Croaker fishing was over in about a sneeze's length of time.
Caught massive amounts of BIG catfish in the middle of the bay on all kinds of lures....from Beetlespins and rattletraps to live bait and fishbites.
What other factors should we be concerned about this year? Anyone have any scientific or historical data to share that can help us with our predictions?
I'd love for someone to present the case, with good supporting documentation that we'll have a great year of fishing.