I believe separation is key.
Look at other signs, logo's, lettering as you drive down the road.
Some are a total waste of money in that you can't read it or tell what it is until you get right on top of it.
Are you doing anything with crabs, ie; traps, nets, etc? Or do you have the crab there due to it's relationship with the bay?
If you do not sell anything in relationship to the crab then I say drop it. It will only add confusion to what your business is geared toward.
I always think of an "Outfitter" as someone or company that takes you hunting or fishing and is able to "outfit" you with everything from travel to sleeping arrangements, to clothing to the actual gear you will be using to acquire your quarry.
Don't mean to be critical just constructive. Just how as a customer that knows nothing about you business would view it for the first time. It needs to get their attention first then hold it long enough to regesiter in their brain.
For them to say "Oh, that's a tackle company, I like their logo!".
It is an attention getter and should make them want to check into you business further, then actually buy something.
Triton 240 LTS, 250 Verado
Upper, Upper Bay
Light tackle
Last edited by 240 LTS; 12-12-2009 at 07:36 PM.