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Old 02-21-2011, 06:40 PM
JigStix JigStix is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 83

The problem isn't the spot being known or not. It's that some fellers put their time in while most of you yayhoos are sitting at home dreaming of potential VT weddings with fishing partners, telling stories about your daddy on Internet fishing lists, or grab a$$ing with life partners. Then you take a chartered trip and post details like you discovered the new world. Then those MEN who have been there while you were cuddled up in your 100000 thread count satin sheets show up hoping to catch fish and there's 9 boats at a time there's normally only 1 or 2. All because you are an attention whore who was lacking attention and some hugs from your Daddy as a kid. Some get it, some are starting to, and some never will. See ya at the gas docks ladies!!!
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