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Old 12-29-2010, 10:17 PM
JigStix JigStix is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 83

Originally Posted by B-Faithful View Post
this ***-for-tat has less to do with Judge and more with the fact that I have openly been support of the MSSA initiative to reduce the commercial rockfish allocation in the Cheaspeake Bay.. Unfortunately There has been a poor attempt to try to coorelate the trailering of a 27 Chesapeake with commercial poaching on the bay.

When you are the "face" for a company, especially in sales, what you say and do in public is always associated with the company you represent whether you like it or not. I don't think it's just the stance on the commercial rockfish allocation, it's your constant, repetitious stances on the same old things. The same topics that arise over and over again, in the exact same post on this board as on Tidalfish. So the redundency grinds on people who read both boards exponentionally. I'm sure you are a great guy, and I'm sure you do a good job for Mr. Judge or he would not keep you around, but at some point, the law of diminshing returns will take place, or already has, and your soapbox speeches, constant campaigning for an MSSA leadership position, or me first mentality is going to drive people away from judge rather than draw them to it. At this point, you will do more harm than good for the small, local boatbuilder, no matter how great a boat he makes.

Regarding reading the threads or not, many would probably not choose to read them, but in not reading them, as Blakesdad put it, you might miss one helluva fun ride before the massive train wreck. And who wants to be left off the invite to that party?

Last edited by JigStix; 12-29-2010 at 10:19 PM.
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