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Old 02-27-2010, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by hippie View Post
Let me start by saying that I never catch any fish, therefore, I have no spots. If I did catch a fish somewhere I would gladly post and help some one else. Do you men really think your "secret spots" afford excellent fishing far beyond any other spots in the bay? If they were that great they would be marked (as Dollys' Lump is) and everyone would know their locations. Other than that, I have no opinion.

As for what everyone here is debating I say "who cares ?". This board is just like the "other board" where there is a bunch of guys that jump on a person when he makes a statement they don't aggree with. What happened to the theory that this board is to help other anglers and get away from all the discourse the "other board" has. Look at what you men are posting...! Far from any fishing discussion I have ever read.

Please don't forget your past, that, you once started out and admit it or not, some one helped you along the way.
I don't think anyone jumped on anyone on this board on anything...this was a question, instead of browsing one or two responses, read them all...there are some well thought out reasonings here. If you had spots, and someone burned them, I'm sure you would care. If you also read this entire thread you would read where 90% of us said "you ain't the first to be anywhere, someone's always been there before you and will be after you." Spot burning is nice for the lazy asses who don't want to or know how to look for fish not to be given a free pass. All we are doing here is voicing opinions on spot burning because it happened and became a huge thread on the other board. Read the whole thread.

Me personally, I spent 7 hours on the bay this morning, looking over spots, seeing if there were fish around, seeing where I could find bait, etc in preparation for fish coming in. I'll share that information with many. Again, READ before you post. I started this post, many others responded. NOT A DAMN ONE OF THEM BASHED JP FOR WHAT HE DID! For Gradybaby, noone whined or cried either, just asked questions and said why we no longer share exact locations on board. But I look forward to all your GPS coordinates this year of where you catch all your fish. All anyone did on this thread was voice our opinions on how we share information. But thanks for the clearing up the question I asked in the last line of my thread starting post!
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