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Old 12-20-2010, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Blakesdad View Post
While I applaud your efforts to get your son into fishing at an early age, I see no mention of safety issues.

Personally, I would mash all the barbs. Secondly,a very small but important first aid kit, just in case. Above all, and take it from me, a pair of wire cutters. My son caught his finger with a treble hook. We ended up in the ER. But a pair of wire cutters, made the trip a little less painful. We ended up cutting the treble, leaving one hook in his finger.
I'm with you. I got him a very nice set of cutting pliers which will handle a hook nicely. He already has a very stocked first aid kit that he keeps in his backpack (minus the single packs of aspirin, etc since schools frown upon those things now), and he's pretty competent with sharply hooked lures and whatnot....I'm confident he doesn't need the barbs removed.

A decent set of polarized sunglasses would be a great idea though....and they double as safety glasses. . And errant hook in some flesh hurts, but losing an eye is forever.

Originally Posted by B-Faithful View Post
Get him a bunch of packs of fish bites and some small hooks with a top and bottom rig and send him down to hang with my boy. Him and his buddies spent all fall fishing from docks and beaches in the community. They caught big perch (my son has a photo of a 13"er he got one afternoon), spot, small blues and small rock. I think they fished almost everyday for two months straight. They got the fever fishing with me over the summer.

I need to get a spot pen so they can fill it for me
He might've fished with him once or twice this summer. He spent a few days at the beach over on the Little Magothy wading out and catching a bunch of White Perch and a Pickerel or two.

Fishbites = great idea.
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