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Old 12-03-2009, 04:47 PM
Francis Francis is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 94

Originally Posted by Baldzilla View Post
Doing this from my phone so can't read all the other responses but I primarily jig and here are the problems with the heads I use (I use mike burgesses and I really like them but improvements can be made)
1) shank on hook and hook in general pretty much too small. Gets lost in a 10" bkd
2) can't use them on smaller baits or they tear the plastic (above 1 oz ers)
3) eyes fall off so not real necessary

he uses a great sharp hook though. I'd be interested in whatever you can make especially if these improvements are Inc.
Yeah. I am working on the hook size issue. I think there needs to be one hook for small lures and another hook for bigger lures.

As far as the eyes, I think they're all going to fall off. A jig heads gets a lot of abuse. Trolling baits eyes last a long time but not if you jigged them like you do a jighead (trust me)

I am clear coating the lures after I put on the eyes, and that helps, but, again these things just get used and abused until they're lost on the bottom.

I am going to make up a few prototypes and see how you all like them.
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