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Old 02-25-2010, 07:11 AM
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jumbo1 jumbo1 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Easton.Md
Posts: 83

This is a pretty easy answer for me...I have a "circle of trust" if you will...bunch of guys that I fish with...and next to...I share every little detail that I can with them....but basically we all LTJ and we all fish the same the detail thing is not that's location...
When I post reports I put "midbay" as most of you know...that won't change...I have been "burn't" way to many times..
I don't worry about the rec guys as much as commercial boats everywhere...
(Pete this doesn' include you...I wanna ride in your new boat)
Last year I have never seen so many "hook + liners' in my life....on a typical wed I used to see maybe 1 or 2...last year they were in the dozens...
They also may be the hardest folks to fish around...they think the water is me...
Now there are alot of people that you could tell where the spot is to LTJ and they couldn't catch a fish there if it jumped at the jig.....
But they are also the same ones that motor in front of you...or run their motors etc....
I see the point that alot of people are making about JP's post...I don't fish that area so it doesn't matter to me but I get it...
I will say my circle of trust has gotten bigger the last couple of years..there are some really good young fishermen out there and they are great to fish with...they aslo know how to keep a spot quiet..
But I know JP very well and he wasn't trying to "ruin" the spot he was just excited about his personal best...
You haven't seen Uncle Phill post about anything...I'm sure he feels bad as well...they are both stand-up guys..just didn't work out the way
it was intended....
I fished in the harbor once with JP in the winter and couldn't belive how small the fishing area was...1 or 2 boats I can see how this is a problem
The other thing is that I know Skip always says that only a few people actually go there...I forget the formula..X# of guys read it but only so many go there...with trollers I think it's a a litlte different...they are all over the place...LTJing is pretty precise...that being said...Stay Away from my boat!!...
BTW there is ZERO chance I would have posted this reponse on the other board....I would have 200 bmails by this afternoon.........
Anti-Spot Burner
07' Parker 23SE F225
"Light tackle Jig Barbless"

Last edited by jumbo1; 02-25-2010 at 07:18 AM.
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