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Old 04-23-2010, 02:38 PM
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jumbo1 jumbo1 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Easton.Md
Posts: 83

When this first started out I was sincerely trying to prove a point to a guy at work...about the number of rods he can fit on his boat...
But it seems as though some "true colors" are coming out...
Let's see...I have lined..and didn't like any of them...LTJing is my thing..
Truth is trolling is the easiest way of fishing there is...IMHO opinion the reason trollers don't like LTJing guys is because they can't do it!.....
It's the only game they have,... know damn well I have bmailed you for trolling advice in the past..and as far as this bull about having "all of this repsect" for me and Shawn...Than why do our names keep being brought up.?

I got a bmail from a troller who is really a mate on a charter who keeps posting about how well his boat has done trolling....thats the Capt not the mate...I say good for Him!...
I was accused of being an "arrogant" LTJer....
OK I am...who gives a Crap!!
So let's do trollers (Or should I say the ones that have a problem with LTJers)go back to riding around in the spring and killing cows and us LTJers can catch the rest of the year...and we'll keep catching.....You know as well as I do a monkey can catch a fish with a parachute..(though I have struggled at times with it)..
And don't foget about the Cow Killing MSSA Slaughter too......I have referred to that many times and I think thats how this whole thing started...
Dam glad I bought a Parker!
Anti-Spot Burner
07' Parker 23SE F225
"Light tackle Jig Barbless"

Last edited by jumbo1; 04-23-2010 at 03:37 PM.
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