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Old 04-23-2010, 03:57 PM
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B-Faithful B-Faithful is offline
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Jamie, I have tried to explain my concerns over the growing anti-trolling sentiment the best I can. I am not aware of a sentiment where people who enjoy trolling dont like people who LTJ. I too am not putting down LTJ or the people who enjoy doing it as I proabably make more trips a year jigging than anything else (despite the fact that I mostly troll during the trophy and late fall seasons). I was addressing a sentiment that has been developing towards those who enjoy trolling on the bay.

I am sorry if you feel personally attacked but the thread you started drew a fire-strom long before I joined it. Therefore it was probably the best place for me to bring up my concerns. However, it was not your thread alone or Shawns article that has fostered the current environment. (as stated before, we are seeing trollers apologizing for their fishing methods in their reports now - and they are fishing legally)

I am glad you read the thread over here where I was better able to explain why I am concerned over some of the language being used. I understand your thread was probably started innocently enough but we are now in an environment where recreational anglers are having their opportunity reduced without science or justification in this state. Unfortunately this is true and has already happened. I fear that trollers efficiency/effort will be the low hanging fruit of future regulations. (best comparison would be like DNR restricting access to the rips because it is a common area where fish concentrations are higher)

I have spoken with Shawn and I believe there is much better understanding between us. I dont have your number but you are welcome to call me. As stated before my cell is 410.533.1435 and welcome a call from you.

BTW, The MSSA tournament has nothing to do with my concerns over possible efficiency/effort reductions being implimented on those that troll in the future. That is only one weekend in the spring and one if the fall. While I fish and enjoy the tournaments (and think they are good for recreational fishing), they are a small percentage of my fishing time. The MSSA tournament can be a seperate debate if you have concerns and want to address it.

Also, I often struggle at trolling too... even with my typical 12 rod spread it takes quite a bit of effort for me to find a fish in the open waters of the bay. That is why they call it fishing. I havent perfected my efficiency yet. I just hope to stay ahead of the 1 fish for every 3 trips level that dnr claims is average for recreational anglers.

Last edited by B-Faithful; 04-25-2010 at 07:56 PM.
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