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Old 12-01-2009, 11:27 AM
JoeDirt JoeDirt is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 64

I hate to do this, but I need to voice some disagreement. (Great, just when I was starting to make friends )

While Capt Nemo was an a-hole with his approach, I agree with the basis of his argument. A few weeks ago, Skip decided to go on a crusade about releasing fish over 40" and most people seemed to follow suit (shocking, I know). Then guys posting reports keeping fish over 40" were scrutinized. It got so stupid that a guy I was fishing with didn't want to post a report indicating that we had caught and kept two fish over 40". The 40" number has no basis and arguments could be made for keeping all bigger fish and releasing smaller one.

Either way, people are entitiled to their opinions but people should also be entitled to post a report without getting nitpicked. Hopefully this will be the venue for that to take place.
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