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Old 02-25-2010, 12:32 AM
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garlien garlien is offline
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OK my two cents...

First off like Mark I do about 90 % of my fishing with one or two persons..In my case with Spot77...The other 10 or so % is with the family a couple of friends...Of course I have to break that tradiation and somehow get out with Mark this year....

Second, both Spott77 and I release every fish we catch and don't use a single one for bait...

As for Burning Spots...Wow...There are a few of you on here and in some shops that I trust, because we have shared information...The key here is shared...Thats a two way street....Not sure I would ever blast out actual GPS's coordinates to anyone because as Marty says fish can be in one spot in the morning and in a completly different spot in an hour...

The way I look at it is this..If we are all caring for our Bay, being responsible fisherman, and sharing both the Hot Spots and our experiences than it should be a better experience for all....As I have said time and time again, just being on the water makes me happy, catching some perch makes a day fun...If I need to catch the biggest Striper of my life I am probably heading back to Montauck not here....Its the experience for me, not knowing so and so was out for 2 hours and caught seven 53 inch Stripers, a small shark, and two dolphins...

So for those of you that I have had an opportunity to share information with, thank you...I think that what we have shared benefits each of us in turn...Not sure I would ever support giving the best Spot of the Moment away to some guys on a day trip from Ohio looking to troll 40 lines across a really good fishing area...

Anyway just my 2cents....
26' Sailfish Walk Around

Last edited by garlien; 02-25-2010 at 12:33 AM. Reason: clarification
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