Thread: Done for 2013!
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Old 12-05-2013, 09:38 PM
bhl bhl is offline
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Originally Posted by Tawn View Post
Marty, they keep pushing my new job start date back so is you want me to put you a bait tank together, just give me your credit card and I'll get busy.

Mike, The rods are in plastic AFI Rodholders, which are spaced based on reel width and screwed to a 1X4, the 1X4 is screwed into the studs.

Unless all your reels are spinning reels, I highly recommend buying the SINGLE rodholders. That way you can space them as you see fit. The ones that have three rodholders as a single unit have the holders too close together for most baitcasters or trolling reels.

The wife is getting pissy because she can't park in her side of the garage.....guess I'll have to get busy tomorrow and get all this stuff stowed for the winter.
We moved into our house with a garage 25 years ago. Back then the garage was full of which ever bass boat I owned. Now that I have a bigger boat in a slip, the garage is still full of stuff that belongs on the boat or that I may need one day It's a sickness, kind of like women's shoes taking up 3 closets, except men like garages.

bhl (Bruce)
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