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Old 01-07-2011, 05:14 PM
justchillin justchillin is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Baltimore
Posts: 52

Damn Marty I let you drag me into this one . In reading this thread throughout the health of our rockfish population is important to all of us, I replied to B- Faithfuls post on the NC.record on tf. It appears they are really nailing them dowm off NC. I'm hoping and trying to be optimistic that the weather and all the fresh water from the snows last winter had something to do with our low catches last spring and the colder than average fall kept our fall fishing limited? I know it is probably wishful thinking but it is going to take more than 1 year of slow fishing to scare me into there will be no more big fish. According to what i'm reading they are in the ocean . Skip you know you are very respected in my book and as knowledgable as any commercial fisherman out there, I have to question you on the statement on commercial boats only keeping 1 fish per 2 anglers. In my opinion ocean limits should be the same as our limits only 1 fish per angler. I realize that commercial captians are much more knowledgeable than just regular rec fisherman like me and catch way more fish but if i was a betting man you could combine both commercial and rec hook and line fishing catch and kill and catch and release and not meet the mortality of rockfish killed in the nets reguardless of size? Just some food for thought wondering others opinions
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