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Old 01-08-2011, 12:30 AM
JigStix JigStix is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 83

Originally Posted by Skip View Post
Justchillin - The netters take a lot - one idea tossed around was a $5.00 Rockfish stamp - money would buy out the netters. Never heard if it even got off the ground.

One thing is the amount of fish that poachers take. It's much more then most realize.

Jigstix - If I've ever been rude to some one keeping a legal fish over 40 - please call my attention to it. Believe me or not but this year there were a lot of 38 to just under 40 inch fish around.

As far as me holding it against someone - you really do not know me.

It is only a SUGGESTION on my part. Now / then one even goes in the box on my boat. The idea is not to kill them all.

I think many are starting to see DNR for what it is. Common sense would be to require C/R until May 15th on bigger fish - like it used to be.

Until something changes - as long as it is a legal catch / kill - not much someone can complain about it. There is always one or two folks who will criticize / nit pick a post here or on TF. Some I swear live to be miserable - judging by the vemon them type.

There is no easy / simple fix. Limit years ago in spring was 36 inches - now it is 28.
These are the words of people you fish with and some I'd assume are friends. I got 2 more more tonight. Don't take it personally it really should be flattering in a roundabout way. I don't know you but these are the words of those who do.
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