Thread: Poachers nabbed
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Old 02-04-2011, 12:22 PM
reds reds is offline
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Originally Posted by Hockleyneck View Post
Reds it was not meant as a joke. Skip is the last guy who would set nets, and the back and forth is not getting us anywhere. I know you do not think its a waterman and respect your opinion. I am not calling for a ban on nets because that would hurt the honest guys. It also would not stop the illegal netting. Whoever set those nets is screwing every person who fishes for stripers regardless of whether its for a living or recreation. Lets hammer the people who set the nets and not each other.
I'd be glad to hammer them. Tell me who they are???? MSSA?, CCA?, Poachers?

DNR doesn't know, so my guess is as good as anyone else.

What I see are 2 lawsuits coming out of this.
one for the DNR selling the rockfish and keeping the money instead of giving it to charity.

The second for closing the rock season, with no proof, of who set the nets.
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