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Old 12-29-2010, 09:27 PM
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B-Faithful B-Faithful is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Annapolis, MD
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Internet marketing has proven to be fairly effective on message boards that Judge sponsors. The brand has become known to many more anglers through the method. One can choose to read threads on their brand or not. Even on TF, I average less than 2 posts per day and many of those posts do not include information about the brand so there is pleanty of information to read should someone be interested.

Regarding the MSSA, I am not an officer in the organization or even a board member. However I am a some-what active member that supports many (but not all) of the positions the organizations takes. I am proud that the organization under the new leadership is being proactive regarding important fisheries issues. Many times I believe fishing organizations get complacent with status quo and are affraid to take difficult but necessary actions to protect their interests. The new board and president are showing that the MSSA wants to be an effective organization. The MSSA is the largest recreational fishing organization in our state and represents thousands of anglers and business that support recreational fishing. I am but one of the many members. With or without my support, the organization would be moving on with their initiative.

I am not sure there are any "internet muscles" being flexed in this thread but rather perspective on issues exchanged. It is one of the great uses of an internet forum. I do not mind be challenged on the trailerability of the 27 Chesapeake. It actually caused me to confirm my beliefs with the state that the boat can be trailered without a permit on state roads. I do take offense at being compared to the large scale poachers that have been operating in the bay. However I am not a ninny and will take on the debate and will justify my beliefs the best I can.

Last edited by B-Faithful; 12-29-2010 at 09:32 PM.
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