Thread: Really?
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Old 10-08-2010, 04:06 AM
SimpleBiology SimpleBiology is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 48

Originally Posted by JigStix View Post
Yes, I really believe that. And unless you were under a rock, or not here at all for the debates that ran wild through these boards, you would know I was right. As soon as DNR proposed regulations (and yes 5thTuition they were targeted at trolling) the trollers quickly turned on the jiggers and light tackle guys. Many names I see regularly on this board were very quick to start pointing fingers and throwing light tackle guys under the bus. Many so called proponents of no regulation were stating things like "Jiggers handle way more fish than any troller" "Fly fishermen fight fish way longer and therefore put more stress on the fish" "a good jigger can put 100 fish in the boat in a day whereas a good troller can put 20"

all of those statements were made over and over again by people on this board. People that left Tidalfish becuase their little feelings got hurt. And there began the great divide among fishing methods.

So, yes, I believe that. And I have rarely trolled, but if regulations were put in against my method of fishing, I would not act like a spurned 5 year old and say "well that's not fair, they need to be punished too"

PS Yes, you do have a say. Show up at the meetings. I was at every single one last year. Was my voice heard, not sure. I spoke at many of them, but stopped as soon as infighting began among fishermen

PPS I fish the same area as you and yes the fishing has been more than adequate
I do live under a rock, I work rotating schedules and it's hard to keep in tune with what people say and do. Politically motivated people do not and will not listen, the great republic that our fore fathers built and their dreams died years ago with professional politicians.

As far as people leaving Tidalfish, I am unaware of that. I started using Cbangler because a guy at the boat show in Baltimore told me about it and how much smaller and easier it is to use. Tidalfish gets too many threads started and it's hard to keep up.

I have never been to any "meetings", I believe if the DNR limits what I can do for fishing then their doing so for a good scientific based reason. I supported alot of last years proposals from DNR, barbless hooks are smart, circle hooks prevent deep throat hooking and a reduction of trolling rods was meant to reduce the number of big reproducing females from being dragged therefore reducing delayed mortality, which is smart. I adapted all of the regulations without any problems to my fishing. The best trophy rock fishing this year was during the C&R. Most of the fish left before the "season" even started and I didn't lose a singe fish or have a single trip hampered by any of the said regulations.

"a good jigger can put 100 fish in the boat in a day whereas a good troller can put 20"
Thats why good anglers will adapt and use a jigging rod when they find fish.

Whats the name of your boat? I'll look for you when I'm out, I'm hoping as the water cools down we will get some good action working ccnp. I'm aboard a 25' chris craft named Daddy's Mess and a 21' parker center console named Daddy's Mess Jr.

By the way "gentleman" and Ladies I have never met any of you. Maybe that will change.

God Bless you, the fishing, and America.
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