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Old 04-28-2010, 04:49 PM
reds reds is offline
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Originally Posted by Baldzilla View Post
I think originally before you edited this, you had asked me for the article on SWS. I just found my copy again, do you want me to scan and paste a copy? You had said that ASFMC had not voted, SWS said there was a 8-7 vote (don't quote me on that) across state lines on increasing the commercial quota...I'm working on very little sleep so my data may not be exact but tonight I can post it if you want to see it...that being said, if they are posting bad data, someone (maybe you) with the correct information should definitely send them a letter to the editor, they are very good about corrections. Also, I'd like to see the "true" data as I'd like to be fully educated on this
The Striped Bass Committee of ASMFC voted to initiate an addendum to
increase the coastal commercial quotas for striped bass; the motion passed. A draft addendum will be prepared for the Board’s meeting in May. That is word for word from the meeting. It has yet to be approved
BTW... The quota increase is for the ocean fishery not the Chesapeake Bay.

As far as voting across state lines, I don't know what they are referring to.
Member states vote as a state with one vote. There are three members for each state and the ASMFC will not take a partial vote from a state.

My info comes from a report, given at a MD TFAC meeting, by Fisheries Director Tom O'Connell and CBF Bill Goldsborough, who are members of the ASMFC Striped Bass Committee. And also by reading the meeting summaries put on line by the ASMFC.

As far as SWS. I subscribed to that magazine from its inception and until it became apparent that it leaned towards Striper's Forever and the CCA in it's objectives. Both do not have all recreational angers in mind with their agendas.
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