Originally Posted by Mako mike
It’s also keeping everything else away including crabs! I have three commercial boats on the hard at my marina that have no intentions of going in unless things improve. It’s cost them $500.00 per trip for fuel, bait, insurance, salaries, cleaning gear, lost gear, etc. can’t say I blame them as business owners. One of them has another boat down in hoopers and is barely making a $$$!! He’s catching more catfish in his pots then crabs. Sorry to say but the bay is a f$&#ed up mess that will take several years to come back to its norm, if ever!
But the state said this is going to be the best year for crabs EVER!!
Haven't seen a single crab in the area yet and no one has been crabbiong in ebay that I've seen.....Although today I did see a commercial crab boat heading past my house up into the creek.
I'll have to ask my wife how the commercial crab boats at her marina have been doing.