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Old 12-01-2009, 11:24 AM
mdracer mdracer is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 39

So many times I write a new thread, or reply to some else's thread, and just back off because I don't want to ruffle someone's feathers. TF has gone the route of so many other forums. It's a shame. Several years ago Speed Channel had a forum that they just plain had to close down for awhile it became so venement. TF is heading in the same direction. Fishing is supposed to be fun and these forums can be so good if moderated properly. We all have our little perks about fishing subjects and should respect each others perks. Seems anymore on the other board that there is always someone ready to call you out for the most minor of reasons. Hopefully the moderator on this board will stop this non-sense before it really gets going. A few removed posts will send the message fast.
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