Patapsco Area Water Quality
Rant, Rant, Rant
I just came back from a Sunday afternoon trip to Downs Park. OMG, what has happened to the water quality in the upper bay! The bay was not only brown, but had a foam that was washing up on the shore. I can’t believe what we accept as “normal” water quality. People were in the water with their bare feet and people were fishing from the pier.
I wouldn’t let my dog near that water, much less my children. I can’t believe there were no signs posted to keep out of the water, or to not eat anything caught in the water.
I pulled my Iphone from my pocket and looked at some numbers. The chlorophyll count from the Patapsco buoy reads 53.97ug/L and the turbidity is 6.3 NTU. Whereas, the Gooses Reef Buoy reads Chlorophyll as 1ug/L and turbidity as 3.2 NTU. Numbers this far off can’t be good.
Is this a repercussion of the poop plant overflowing and the main sewage pipe break of a couple weeks ago? I can’t believe people who own waterfront homes in the area stand for this kind of water quality.
I was visibly upset to see people interacting with the bay in such a condition. Has anyone else noticed it?
5th (Marty)