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Old 01-28-2012, 12:46 PM
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Spot77 Spot77 is offline
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Location: Kent Island - Near Romancoke Pier
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Why not put speed recorders on personal vehicles that transmit speed data to the state police so they can mail you a ticket everytime you break the speed limit?

Who would oppose such a thing since it's in the public's best interest? And if you're not doing anything wrong, then what do you have to worry about?

If the conditions of obtaining a commercial fishing license included the random tracking of boats, that might be different. MIGHT be...I don't know enough about the red tape those guys deal with really.

And the fact that the LAW REQUIRES a judge to sign off on the probable cause warrant, and may have been circumvented worries me greatly.

I don't want ANY law enforcement entity having carte blanche to violate the law, or our constitutional and civil rights. I don't care what the goal is; to me the means will never justify the ends.

How about we track charter boat captains too? Surely there's some kind of law enforcement issues or enviromental impact data that can be harvested from this.

I mean....what charter captain would ever use his boat for personal pleasure fishing, or a family cruise right?

I'm all for stopping poaching using EVERY LEGAL MEANS POSSIBLE, with the emphasis on LEGAL. Don't like the laws? Lobby your elected representatives in the general assembly to change them.

Anyway, I'm curious if this is just some political hardball being played, or whether some laws were actually broken. I won't condemn the DNR yet, but I'll be watching closely.
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Last edited by Spot77; 01-28-2012 at 04:33 PM.
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