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Old 12-31-2011, 07:10 PM
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Shawn Kimbro Shawn Kimbro is offline
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Mike, thanks very much.

I tried not to be preachy in the book, but I don't know a single good fishermen who doesn't care about preserving our sport.

Originally Posted by garlien View Post
Its about fishing and there are some really great things to learn in the book, however, Shawn does talk about the importance of respecting the Bay throughout the book.

Not sure if you have kids or not but I can tell you this, some of my best memories of my dad were our times out on the Bay fishing and crabbing...The least I can do for my kids is to make sure I don't screw it up any worse than it already is...

Regardless, Shawn's book is well written and full of good tips and tricks, its not a technical manual, so it reads very well...

Stop by one of the local tackle shops that are carrying the book and check out a few pages...I think you will like it and pick up a copy.
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