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Old 09-10-2011, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by 5th Tuition View Post
Scott; I hear you about the trash and debris in the upper bay. It happens every time they open a number of gates. My hope is that the winds will push it to shore before it gets too bad in the middle bay.
The grasses are another matter. It appears they are affected by the tides more than the winds.
In any case; I hope everyone is carefull and they navagate this coming week without any problems.

On a secondary note, when the blues were spitting up their lunch on the deck, there were some tiny fish I have never seen before, they were smaller than silversides and almost transparent. The most prominate thing about them was their eye. If it weren't so late in the season, I would say they were a larval stage of a fish. Any ideas what they might be?

5th (Marty)

I've seen those fish once or twice before....kind of creepy looking. I actually hooked one once with a small Super Duper while Perch fishing in Nabbs Creek. It was probably less than 2 inches long.

I don't recall the eyes on them, but the transparency of their bodies was freaky.

Of course, we have purple crabs in the bay now so I guess anything is possible.
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