It all boils down to volume.
If Walmart can make a dime on each item but sells 1,000 of them = $ 100.00 profit.
Local store only sells 100 but needs to add $1.00 per item to make the same $100.00.
With gas prices - as you pointed out , local stores although higher shelf price , might cost less overall if you drive far to save that dollar.
I do not look at the local tackle shop prices. I know I can get items cheaper at big box stores but view the local higher price as " dues ".
My dues buys me - early opening if needed , staying open a touch later, bait / lures left out back for after hour pick up.
Great inside info , new " hot " lures , return policy of no question asked / no receipt needed.
If we could get more folks to buy at local stores - prices would likely drop.