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Old 02-25-2011, 11:28 PM
Hockleyneck Hockleyneck is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Bob, Rich,
All good information and points. I also agree with you to an extent. I'm all for the health of the species but I just find it hard to take away a mans income. I'm sure this is not the intent of the majority, but in my opinion it's a very undesirable consequence. Some people on this board and the other don't seem to care at all which is very disconcerting. I also think that not all but many of these same people would absolutely freak out if they ban planer boards because "they are too efficient a means of catching rockfish.". This is the hypocritical nature of many recs that pisses me off. Could care less about people (other than themselves) losing their jobs, but take away an 18 rod spread and you'll never hear a louder uproar.

Rob, very good data. Thanks for posting it. Shows a lot more netters than I even thought. I really just hope the reaction to illegal netting doesn't lead to 537 men out of work and drawing welfare, creating more crime, people losing their homes, kids not able to eat. That's my only concern with this, and it still won't stop illegal netting which is what set all this uproar in motion in the first place.
I personally do not like to see the waterman losing a source of income, but it would appear they are going to lose it anyway. I was shocked to see the graph that shows rockfish numbers dropping off the cliff and the continued pressure will be unsustainable. The DNR did make changes to the pre season trollings regs, and I think more regs are coming. You can also bet the commercial guys will be pounding on the DNR to get some rec limitations. My money is on more regs for both the commercial and recreational groups are coming, and I am okay with that.
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