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Caribbean Soul 02-24-2011 12:17 PM

Ban Gill Netting in the Chesapeake
From The Hull Truth

Many of you may be aware of the rampant problem with illegal gill netting of striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay. Literally tons and tons of fish, many breeding stock fish, are being netting illegally and sold out of state. This is a big problem for Maryland and the Striped Bass population as a whole. It is estimated that 75% of all East Coast stripers spawn in the Chesapeake and the illegal netting is having a big impact on the population of these fish along the entire coast.

There is a grass roots effort in Maryland to support a petition that calls for the ban of commercial nets in the Chesapeake Bay. This is not an anti-Commercial fishing initiative, but an effort to ban nets. Nets are indiscriminate and can kill thousands of fish in a single set. Maryland has a long-standing tradition on the Bay and is an important part of the social and economic fabric of many local communities within Maryland. The goal is to ban nets in the Chesapeake with hopes that commercial fisherman will develop a robust and thriving hook-and-line commercial fishery.

Please sign the following petition and spread the word to other anglers. It does not matter if you live in another state. Stripers do not know how to read a map and know no state boundaries.

These signatures we help to support the long term viability of the fishery!

Caribbean Soul
40 O'Neil Jones

reds 02-24-2011 12:34 PM

Almost a million and a half pounds will go to another commercial state. $5+ million in sales off the boat. At least $12 million wholesale, out of Maryland and gone somewhere else, on Striped Bass alone..... A net ban would probably mean a loss of about 100 million in revenue to Maryland.

That much additional poundage cannot be caught by hook and line in Maryland because the hook and line yearly quota is not caught now.

crabby and son 02-24-2011 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by reds (Post 10062)
Almost a million and a half pounds will go to another commercial state. $5+ million in sales off the boat. At least $12 million wholesale, out of Maryland and gone somewhere else, on Striped Bass alone..... A net ban would probably mean a loss of about 100 million in revenue to Maryland.

That much additional poundage cannot be caught by hook and line in Maryland because the hook and line yearly quota is not caught now.

OH WELL:rolleyes: Maybe that should have been thought of before all these illegal nets were set. You reap what you sew.:D.Watermen might have to work a 10 hour day hook and lining instead of an hour taking fish from a net.................Gary

reds 02-24-2011 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by crabby and son (Post 10064)
OH WELL:rolleyes: Maybe that should have been thought of before all these illegal nets were set. You reap what you sew.:D.Watermen might have to work a 10 hour day hook and lining instead of an hour taking fish from a net.................Gary

What you'll not reap is a loss of a $100 million dollar industry at this time.

Good luck on your petition. Too bad 3/4 are out of state people and wasted their time.

And don't tell me I reap what I sew..... or are you one of the 17 from Baltimore who just got caught with their hand out? After all aren't all policeman crooks?:D

5th Tuition 02-24-2011 05:38 PM

And don't tell me I reap what I sew..... or are you one of the 17 from Baltimore who just got caught with their hand out? After all aren't all policeman crooks?:D[/QUOTE]

Reds; since Gary is ex-cop, I'll handle this one for him, as his response might look to be prejudicial.
There are bad apples in every group. Those 17 officers who were caught, will never be officers again. Those watermen who are caught, are back on the water the next day.
I know there are some officers who are also just looking at suspensions, but I don't know their involvement.

I appreciate your opposing views on topics, but you have to make good analogies.
5th (Marty)

reds 02-24-2011 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 10066)
Reds; since Gary is ex-cop, I'll handle this one for him, as his response might look to be prejudicial.
There are bad apples in every group. Those 17 officers who were caught, will never be officers again. Those watermen who are caught, are back on the water the next day.
I know there are some officers who are also just looking at suspensions, but I don't know their involvement.

I appreciate your opposing views on topics, but you have to make good analogies.
5th (Marty)

When a person tells me "You reap what you sew" He is accusing me of being a poacher. He doesn't like being called a crook, neither do I.

Most waterman who are caught with a fisheries violation, has committed a misdemeanor not a felony.
I believe the laws have been changed this year to address the serious problems.

Like I said. The net industry is worth, very very conservatively $100 million to Maryland and probably 5000 jobs.

Trying to shut an industry down and putting people out of work for 2 poachers is a joke.

crabby and son 02-24-2011 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by reds (Post 10067)
When a person tells me "You reap what you sew" He is accusing me of being a poacher. He doesn't like being called a crook, neither do I.

Most waterman who are caught with a fisheries violation, has committed a misdemeanor not a felony.
I believe the laws have been changed this year to address the serious problems.

Like I said. The net industry is worth, very very conservatively $100 million to Maryland and probably 5000 jobs.

Trying to shut an industry down and putting people out of work for 2 poachers is a joke.

Reds, The comment , you reap what you sew was not a comment directed at you unless you are a poacher. You read it as you want to read it. Yes there are bad cops but not 43%. We don't need a $30,000.00 reward to turn the bad cops in. We do it out of pride and self esteem. We don't tolerate the bad cops and accept them as our brothers. If a police officer is charged even with a misdemeanor, chances are he will lose his job. I guess a waterman is an OK guy if he has just been charged with misdemeanors:confused: A waterman is about the only one that keeps his license after 20-50 misdemeanor violations. Even a professional driver or Home Improvement Contractor will lose his license after a few misdemeanor violations. Take, take, take is OVER and we will do the best we can to rid the Chesapeake Bay of nets.Oh , and 2 poachers is a joke too!!!.Instead of spending time on here defending nets, you should go and sharpen your hooks!.......Gary

reds 02-24-2011 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by crabby and son (Post 10068)
Reds, The comment , you reap what you sew was not a comment directed at you unless you are a poacher. You read it as you want to read it. Yes there are bad cops but not 43%. We don't need a $30,000.00 reward to turn the bad cops in. We do it out of pride and self esteem. We don't tolerate the bad cops and accept them as our brothers. If a police officer is charged even with a misdemeanor, chances are he will lose his job. I guess a waterman is an OK guy if he has just been charged with misdemeanors:confused: A waterman is about the only one that keeps his license after 20-50 misdemeanor violations. Even a professional driver or Home Improvement Contractor will lose his license after a few misdemeanor violations. Take, take, take is OVER and we will do the best we can to rid the Chesapeake Bay of nets.Oh , and 2 poachers is a joke too!!!........Gary

I've become used to your intent. Usually you mean what you post when a smiley goes behind it.

As far as the 43 percent. I'll ask you what I asked the JCAA and the DNR. Where is the proof?. Guess what there is none. Pure conjecture. The people on Toilet Flush who posted that number, have an agenda. Only parrots repeat everything they hear without verifying if it true or not.

You'll get no argument from me on the numerous violations. They should be stopped from working the water, most are doing it without a license.

Don't hold your breath on the net ban. The hundreds of millions will be the deciding factor as well as the thousands of job. Just make sure, in your pursuit, you don't repeat what you have heard without verification. It happens a lot on Toilet Flush.

Oh and you can take the 2 poachers to the bank.

5th Tuition 02-24-2011 07:39 PM

Reds; when I read Gary's post, I didn't take it as a personal accusation about you. If you took it that way, I can see why you were sensitive.

The only thing I saw was that Gary should have said sow, instead of sew. However, when speaking of nets, I suppose you do sew them sometimes:D.

I took it as a personal insult to his eighth grade english teacher:eek:.

5th (Marty)

Skip 02-24-2011 08:36 PM

I like how the police commissioner took away the crooked cops badges himself.

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