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drichitt 12-01-2009 09:35 AM

This site needs to make it
Did any of you catch my fishing report from Sunday the 29th. Not the detailed one I put here, but the very abbreviated version I put over on TF. Check out the BS comment from Capt Nemo on the releasing fish over 40" issue. WTF was his problem?:mad:

I have been doing my best to let others know about this site. Every time I get a PM from someone about something, I tell them to check out Brandon is asleep at the switch in allowing someone make comments like that. Capt Nemo has been on a crusade against Skip's suggestion that we start releasing the bigger fish. Skip has been very clear that it needs to be a personal choice without condemnation from others should you choose not to. I have agreed with Skip on this issue...Don

reeltor 12-01-2009 09:52 AM

Agreed. The whole C/R "red herring" argument did a lot of damage. Don't sweat him Don, he has an agenda.

Baldzilla 12-01-2009 10:36 AM

The whole board over there is in a strange funk. People talk like it has gotten worse, but it has always been crappy, now there are just more people being crappy on it. I've decided I'm going to post fishing reports over there and write a disclaimer like I did in my cabo report about douchebags, not caring what they think will be the beginning of my fishing reports...

Ravens16 12-01-2009 10:45 AM

I agree a 100% guys
I got banned from the dark side for calling the moderator gay :D
Not that's there anything wrong with that :)


mlag 12-01-2009 10:50 AM

Agreed. Fishing reports to be reported here only by me. Had enough of the BS over there.....................Mark

B-Faithful 12-01-2009 11:06 AM

I believe my last fishing report was the end of Sept. I will contribute and read over there but I decided that I would share my fishing reports here a while ago. I did it so my photos or reports wouldnt be used against me or become property of someone who shapes public fisheries policy.

I still enjoy the other site for what it is but like the opportunity for growth and support of fellow fisherman here. I think we had as many reports from the T-day weekend over here as the other site. For some reason, a lot of people dont like to share reports there anymore. Hopefully that environment will be different here and we will share reports openly. We dont have to spot burn if you dont want to but I certainly hope everyone feels comfortable posting reports and brag posts here. If someone criticizes another we need tp police it ourselves so that everyone will want to share reports and brag photos. Of course this doesnt mean we cant encourage and teach one another either. Hopefully we can keep a tone of encouragment when we do though.

mdracer 12-01-2009 11:24 AM

So many times I write a new thread, or reply to some else's thread, and just back off because I don't want to ruffle someone's feathers. TF has gone the route of so many other forums. It's a shame. Several years ago Speed Channel had a forum that they just plain had to close down for awhile it became so venement. TF is heading in the same direction. Fishing is supposed to be fun and these forums can be so good if moderated properly. We all have our little perks about fishing subjects and should respect each others perks. Seems anymore on the other board that there is always someone ready to call you out for the most minor of reasons. Hopefully the moderator on this board will stop this non-sense before it really gets going. A few removed posts will send the message fast.

JoeDirt 12-01-2009 11:27 AM

I hate to do this, but I need to voice some disagreement. (Great, just when I was starting to make friends :()

While Capt Nemo was an a-hole with his approach, I agree with the basis of his argument. A few weeks ago, Skip decided to go on a crusade about releasing fish over 40" and most people seemed to follow suit (shocking, I know). Then guys posting reports keeping fish over 40" were scrutinized. It got so stupid that a guy I was fishing with didn't want to post a report indicating that we had caught and kept two fish over 40". The 40" number has no basis and arguments could be made for keeping all bigger fish and releasing smaller one.

Either way, people are entitiled to their opinions but people should also be entitled to post a report without getting nitpicked. Hopefully this will be the venue for that to take place.

Baldzilla 12-01-2009 11:56 AM

The board over there in General sucks...but I will tell you, I have spoken to Capt Nemo a few times over PM in the past and seems to be a good guy. He has helped me out in the past, and it's a shame the post was turned into a fight. It could have been approached from a much better way, or via PM. I have argued with many people via PM and usually it turns out pretty well.

I see the fight from both sides. Being a guy that doesn't keep a fish at all (unless someone on my boat wants it), I wish everyone would release all their fish, but again I fault noone for doing anything that is within the law. I don't care if you keep a 24" fish, or a 50" fish as long as you are doing it legally. I applaud anyone who releases any fish. My problem is that everyone interjects their opinions on that other site and everyone thinks that noone else can be right. Why do so many over there think there has to be a right or wrong? This site is nicer because it is judgement free (for now), let's hope it stays that way.


drichitt 12-01-2009 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Baldzilla (Post 1867)
The board over there in General sucks...but I will tell you, I have spoken to Capt Nemo a few times over PM in the past and seems to be a good guy. He has helped me out in the past, and it's a shame the post was turned into a fight. It could have been approached from a much better way, or via PM. I have argued with many people via PM and usually it turns out pretty well.

I see the fight from both sides. Being a guy that doesn't keep a fish at all (unless someone on my boat wants it), I wish everyone would release all their fish, but again I fault noone for doing anything that is within the law. I don't care if you keep a 24" fish, or a 50" fish as long as you are doing it legally. I applaud anyone who releases any fish. My problem is that everyone interjects their opinions on that other site and everyone thinks that noone else can be right. Why do so many over there think there has to be a right or wrong? This site is nicer because it is judgement free (for now), let's hope it stays that way.


Agreed....but what did I say within my 3 line report that provoked 'Ric' enough to dump on my post? Only good part about it is got some free advertising and we know he is a lurker here as well:D...Don

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