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5th Tuition 09-10-2010 01:14 PM

pet peeve
Not many reports due to the wind (I hope). So here is at least something to look at and respond to. What is your pet peeve? You know, something that really doesn't mean much. It is really quite insignificant, but irks you just the same.

I hate the fact that you can't "channel surf" anymore. It seems that all the TV stations have syncronized their commercials. When the remote control first came on the market, many husbands would surf to see what was on other stations. But now, all you get is more commercials.

It's not worth pissin off the old lady anymore. So now I have to hit the "guide" button and see what's on other channels. Surfing channels just ain't what it used to be:D.

What's your pet peeve?

5th (Marty)

5th Tuition 09-10-2010 04:22 PM

Wow; I heard the guys that came over to this board were a bunch of A-hole roudy troublemakers; but that's not the case. Why evidently, those on this board don't even have any pet peves:rolleyes:.

shilo 09-10-2010 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 8319)
Wow; I heard the guys that came over to this board were a bunch of A-hole roudy troublemakers; but that's not the case. Why evidently, those on this board don't even have any pet peves:rolleyes:.

Ok I'll go. Weathermen who post a small craft advisory and completely ruin our business when the bay is flat calm. Christy

5th Tuition 09-10-2010 10:00 PM

Hey Christy; that's a good one. Weathermen piss me off too. They are like the government, you can't trust them anymore. I'm used to them building up a small snow storm to seem like we are about to get dumped on by 3 feet of snow; but now I can't even believe them when it comes to hurricans.
I thought little kids and fishermen exagerated:D; but now it carries over to weathermen as well.
I have to laugh. I don't know what channel it is but poor old Rob Roblin (not a weatherman, just a reporter) would always be the guy standing in 2 ft of snow with a yardstick to check the depth. He was always covered in snow and cold as hell. If a noreaster hit Ocean City, Rob was standing on the beach with sand blowing 35 mph in his face and rain coming down sideways, and finally, when the polar bear plunge takes place at Sandy Point, wouldn't you know it, there was Rob running out of the water with blue balls and a shrunken d^ck to report about how cold the water was.
That man deserves an emmy for his years of reporting in Baltimore.
5th (Marty)

5th Tuition 09-10-2010 10:13 PM

OK; here's another one. Who the heck put up an O'Maley and Brown "pop up" on the board.
Note to moderator; don't go pissin off half (I hope it's more) your clientel. Bad business move. I know it's a business and you want to accept any and all advertising; but you might want to stay away from politics and religion on the pop ups.
I hope the next pop up isn't asking for donations to the Mosque near ground zero:eek:.
More pet peeves please:D.
5th (Marty)

Night Nurse 09-10-2010 10:40 PM

I go fishing with a guy who I shal NOT OUT, but he Never uses dock lines when we launch his boat! WTF. I have to stand there holding his T-Top while he parks the truck and takes a visit to the porta-potty ect. I asked him why, and he just says hold the top.
Gona bring my own rope next time. :D


5th Tuition 09-10-2010 10:49 PM

Night Nurse; next time he leaves you holding the t-top and he goes off to the men's room; just piss in his boat. Tell him you just couldn't hold it any longer, and if he had dock lines, you could have both went to relieve yourselves:D.

We are up to three different O'Malley pop ups. After reading them, I might just have to vote for this guy. NOT
Let him sing for his supper from now on:eek:.

5th (Marty)

SimpleBiology 09-11-2010 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 8323)
OK; here's another one. Who the heck put up an O'Maley and Brown "pop up" on the board.
Note to moderator; don't go pissin off half (I hope it's more) your clientel. Bad business move. I know it's a business and you want to accept any and all advertising; but you might want to stay away from politics and religion on the pop ups.
I hope the next pop up isn't asking for donations to the Mosque near ground zero:eek:.
More pet peeves please:D.
5th (Marty)

The only business move you get to make with O'malleys crew is hanging an out of business sign. Maryland is killing small business.:mad:

crabby and son 09-11-2010 04:04 PM

I hate when two lanes of traffic merge into one and people come flying down the lane that merges and expect the people who have been waiting in the right lane to let them in. Good luck gettin in on me. I don't leave a red cun* hair between me and the guy in front of me...........Gary

5th Tuition 09-11-2010 07:20 PM

Gary; I hear ya man. Luckily I'm retired and don't have to fight traffic like I used to, BUT; I think the best example of what you're talking about is headed toward the bay bridge on rt 50 just past the parole exits when you get to the severn river bridge. The right hand lane disapears at the bridge. Everyone knows this but some people just have to run all the way to the bridge and try to merge. It's especially troublsome when towing a boat and you try to leave some extra room for breaking, they duck into the "hole" all the time.
5th (Marty)

5th Tuition 09-11-2010 07:30 PM

Here's another one. Why do people feel like they can "borrow" spot from my bait pen? I go out during the day and catch 35 spot and come down the next morning to find only 12 left (no they don't get out on their own).
I brought home the pen and powerwashed it and changed the pool noodles. I checked it closely and found no holes. I don't think and animals (muskrats) are diving in and helping themselves. It's too deep for birds to poach. I occassionally find a hard crab has crawled over the side and caused havok, but on most occassions, the spot stay in the pen just fine.
It's only about 20% of the time that I find my pen has been raided. I even started trolling for spanish and blues just to frustrate the lazy fishermen from taking bait (if there are none in the pen; they can't take any).
5th (Marty)

Skip 09-11-2010 07:49 PM

My pet peeve is racists.

Never understood hating someone you have not met - just because they are from somewhere else or have different colored skin or speak a foreign language.

5th Tuition 09-11-2010 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 8331)
My pet peeve is racists.

Never understood hating someone you have not met - just because they are from somewhere else or have different colored skin or speak a foreign language.

Or if they troll instead of jig or flyfish:D.
5th (Marty)

Hockleyneck 09-11-2010 08:04 PM

My pet peeve is taking to long to catch spot and missing the current only to recieve a call from home and end my fishing trip. And what really sucks is when you are fishing with your buddy and he is screwed too. Sorry Mark, you will be paying me back in the future when there is a little Mark.

garlien 09-11-2010 08:28 PM

As always I cant stand the dumb ass boaters who blew straight through the half a dozen of us fishing today....

Sometimes I would really like a couple of small homing missles to help those folks never to be able to interupt people fishing again....The wrecks might even make a good home foe some fish ! :D

5th Tuition 09-11-2010 09:02 PM

Rich; so I guess I can eliminate you as one of the people raiding my pen:D.

Mike; that was me running past you and trying to look in your boat to see if you caught any fish:eek:. At least I went through the fishing fleet at extreamly high speed; I figured I would throw less wake that way:rolleyes:.

5th (Marty)

Here's another one:
How about when you take someone out on your boat and you expect a reciprocal trip in return, but it never comes?
Oh, that reminds me, I owe
and probably a couple more

Hockleyneck 09-12-2010 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 8337)
Rich; so I guess I can eliminate you as one of the people raiding my pen:D.

Mike; that was me running past you and trying to look in your boat to see if you caught any fish:eek:. At least I went through the fishing fleet at extreamly high speed; I figured I would throw less wake that way:rolleyes:.

5th (Marty)

Here's another one:
How about when you take someone out on your boat and you expect a reciprocal trip in return, but it never comes?
Oh, that reminds me, I owe
and probably a couple more

Where is your pen so I can guard it for you?

crabby and son 09-12-2010 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 8329)
Gary; I hear ya man. Luckily I'm retired and don't have to fight traffic like I used to, BUT; I think the best example of what you're talking about is headed toward the bay bridge on rt 50 just past the parole exits when you get to the severn river bridge. The right hand lane disapears at the bridge. Everyone knows this but some people just have to run all the way to the bridge and try to merge. It's especially troublsome when towing a boat and you try to leave some extra room for breaking, they duck into the "hole" all the time.
5th (Marty)

Marty, There are situations like that everywhere that were created by the state or county. There are buzzards at all of them and they all know the lane ends. They might get ahead of me but not RIGHT in front of me. It's a game I play too............Gary

mark1234 09-12-2010 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Hockleyneck (Post 8334)
My pet peeve is taking to long to catch spot and missing the current only to recieve a call from home and end my fishing trip. And what really sucks is when you are fishing with your buddy and he is screwed too. Sorry Mark, you will be paying me back in the future when there is a little Mark.

What really burns me is when you tell someone to be there at 11:30 and he strolls in at 12:00.:eek:

powerplay 09-12-2010 06:48 PM

My pet peeve: Someone who charges $30.00 dollars gas / misc and fishes 6 minutes from the launch ramp. I won"t go with them again.

Stinkbait 09-12-2010 07:02 PM

My pet peeve is about people that post things about pet peeves, and people that respond with their pet peeves......argh.......:rolleyes:

Couldn't resist,

5th Tuition 09-12-2010 08:29 PM

Well Jim;

My pet peeve is when a bait and tackle shop owner sells me defective drone spoons. After using your diagramed spread (that you gave me for free) and all the pretty color drone spoons (you recommended) and catching a ton of spanish, blues and rock on them; the reflective tape is coming off from all the tooth marks:D.
I had to buy more reflective tape and redo them. Now they don't look quite as nice as new:rolleyes:.
I'll be testing out the "newly taped" lures tomorrow.

5th (Marty)

:D:D:D this thread should die soon, the weather looks nice for fishing this week. I'll be out below Chesapeake Beach early in the A.M.

Fish Nut 09-12-2010 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 8333)
Or if they troll instead of jig or flyfish:D.
5th (Marty)

this is funny:D

STMAN 09-13-2010 09:10 AM

I have a few fishing pet peeves...

Someone showing up to fish with only a bottle of water in their hand for a 6 hour trip.

Fish all day and not offer gas/bait money.

Tell someone to bring beer/soda something to eat for trip and they bring 2 bottles of water, 6 pack and a sub to split on a 1/2 day trip.

Isn't it obvious I need new friends! I am at the point that I prefer to go by myself.:D

JigStix 09-14-2010 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by STMAN (Post 8357)
I have a few fishing pet peeves...

Someone showing up to fish with only a bottle of water in their hand for a 6 hour trip.

Fish all day and not offer gas/bait money.

Tell someone to bring beer/soda something to eat for trip and they bring 2 bottles of water, 6 pack and a sub to split on a 1/2 day trip.

Isn't it obvious I need new friends! I am at the point that I prefer to go by myself.:D

or you just demand too much of your "Hos"
Ever meet 27Sailfish?

Pet Peeve is jerk offs that make money off taking people fishing when they were going anyway.

Stop Ho Price Fixing!!!!!

STMAN 09-15-2010 06:27 AM

I try not too demand that much from my "hos" I just do not want to have to feed and water them as well buy the bait.

Only went fishing with Sailfish27 one time around 10 years ago off of a favor he owed me... he certainly knew what he was doing!

old hat 09-16-2010 02:39 PM

my pet peeve is guys complaining about other guys charging to much to take Ho's fishing. What do you care? this is america...........mind your own business. personally I don't charge ho's as I was going anyway.

JigStix 09-16-2010 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by STMAN (Post 8364)
I try not too demand that much from my "hos" I just do not want to have to feed and water them as well buy the bait.

Only went fishing with Sailfish27 one time around 10 years ago off of a favor he owed me... he certainly knew what he was doing!

I think I'd ho with you, I like you!
I like the Saying "Ho's should not be plants"

powerplay 09-17-2010 03:36 PM

I have one less pet peeve as that person will never fish on my boat again. No more complaining of fishing methods. He has his own boat which is even better. Okay i feel a lot better now

JigStix 09-17-2010 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by powerplay (Post 8351)
My pet peeve: Someone who charges $30.00 dollars gas / misc and fishes 6 minutes from the launch ramp. I won"t go with them again.

That's a good one! I've been on that boat too!

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