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5th Tuition 01-06-2011 12:40 PM

Brandon's TF poll
I didn't want to post this on TF because I didn't want Brandon to get his panties in a knot (seems I get under his skin lately).
He wants us to rate last season; and quite frankly, I was hesitant to post my reply. With Brandon being the original person to call for restrictions on C/R, I was wondering what he would do with this information.

Many of us either restricted or eliminated fishing reports on TF this past year because we felt that there was at least the perception that those reports were used against us; now many of those same people are racing to tell Brandon their year end review.

I don't get it:rolleyes:.
5th (Marty)

Spot77 01-06-2011 02:12 PM

I used to enjoy that site immensely, but it runs SO damn slow for me now and it's a pain to use, so I rarely hit it anymore.

I still pay for my search privileges though.

I won't be participating in the poll. Everybody perceives the year differently anyway. I had a crappy month or two, then a fantastic time. At least in my eyes. Other more experienced fishermen might think my catches were pathetic.

MdCrappie 01-06-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Spot77 (Post 9370)
I still pay for my search privileges though. don't have to pay for them.....

Blakesdad 01-06-2011 02:44 PM

Marty, I participated, and I think I gave it a below average rating. I was looking for the " It Sucked" category but couldn't find it.

I try not to read into" What he's going to do" with the info so much. What can he really do with it anyway ? Its really not a scientific poll. I think its just going to make all of us feel better that most of us had a below average year.

Fishing sucks for sure. I'm just waiting for the day that a moratorium is put in place. The sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned.

And I wouldn't discount the fact that Brandon probably belongs to CB.

Just food for thought.

Skip 01-06-2011 03:43 PM

I answered it honestly - spring was well below the last 5-6 years for me.

Very few had a good spring - no big secret there. I talked to different people who went out on charters - very few boats got a limit. Some only got 2-3 fish on an 8 hour trip with 30 lines out :eek: Some charters targeted smaller males - resident fish - in 25 to 30 feet. These 28 to 32 inchers saved the day for some.

I would not sweat too much. The YOY was below average even with the new PSCR restrictions. Guess that was not the problem after all.

Most realize far too many big Rock are being killed up / down the coast.
Real question - will anything useful be done ?

Best thing might be to just C/R until mid May - on a volunteer basis.

Bend-Lure 01-06-2011 04:06 PM

I caught more and bigger fish this spring than last spring in the bay with equal effort. I guess that means I had a better year. I had a good shark season to, but after that fishing offshore pretty much sucked in 2010. I didn't get out on the bay much in the fall since we had another kiddo.

5th Tuition 01-06-2011 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Blakesdad (Post 9373)
Marty, I participated, and I think I gave it a below average rating. I was looking for the " It Sucked" category but couldn't find it.

I try not to read into" What he's going to do" with the info so much. What can he really do with it anyway ? Its really not a scientific poll. I think its just going to make all of us feel better that most of us had a below average year.

Fishing sucks for sure. I'm just waiting for the day that a moratorium is put in place. The sooner the better, as far as I'm concerned.

And I wouldn't discount the fact that Brandon probably belongs to CB.

Just food for thought.

I agree it's not a scientific poll, but changes last year were made based on "concerns we have heard".
As far as Brandon belonging to CBA, I would count on it. I'm sure he wanted to keep an eye on the "competition". I just didn't want to post this on TF because it would produce too much drama.
5th (Marty)

Skip 01-06-2011 05:29 PM

Concerns that were heard or 7-8 well connected people calling in favors :rolleyes: because they did not like C/R fishing.

crabby and son 01-06-2011 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 9365)
I didn't want to post this on TF because I didn't want Brandon to get his panties in a knot (seems I get under his skin lately).
He wants us to rate last season; and quite frankly, I was hesitant to post my reply. With Brandon being the original person to call for restrictions on C/R, I was wondering what he would do with this information.

Many of us either restricted or eliminated fishing reports on TF this past year because we felt that there was at least the perception that those reports were used against us; now many of those same people are racing to tell Brandon their year end review.

I don't get it:rolleyes:.
5th (Marty)

You don't think Brandon reads this board:eek: You do have to learn a lesson from all of last years mess though...........Gary

justchillin 01-06-2011 07:08 PM

Can't blame me for getting you into this one lol :D

JigStix 01-06-2011 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 9376)
Best thing might be to just C/R until mid May - on a volunteer basis.

so are you going to?

Use your Tidalfish rock star status to see if you can drum people up to do it. If you say to, I'm sure many will follow suit. Many of us "old school" folks already do and would welcome others to. You have probably hidden my posts because I don't agree with you but maybe one of your cronies will tell you and you'll answer and put your money where your mouth is.

Skip 01-06-2011 09:47 PM

Jig Stix - I've been suggesting for years to let Rock over 40 inches go.

Heard more flak then a man should have to but stayed my course.
Even stopped fishing the MSSA tournaments - after winning money in three of them. Did not seem right to kill a big Rock just for a chance at some cash.

Wished I had saved the B mails I received from the Va. boys about three years ago. I posted on their board - asking that the huge Rock they were crushing in winter on live Eels be let go.

Sure , I'll suggest letting all spring fish go - watch what happens.

Guys will blast me - saying any fish released dies. Mostly the ones who hide behind a screen name. They'll twist my words inside out - but I'll post the suggestion - none the least.

Ain't no winning some days.

JigStix 01-06-2011 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 9385)
Jig Stix - I've been suggesting for years to let Rock over 40 inches go.

Heard more flak then a man should have to but stayed my course.
Even stopped fishing the MSSA tournaments - after winning money in three of them. Did not seem right to kill a big Rock just for a chance at some cash.

Wished I had saved the B mails I received from the Va. boys about three years ago. I posted on their board - asking that the huge Rock they were crushing in winter on live Eels be let go.

Sure , I'll suggest letting all spring fish go - watch what happens.

Guys will blast me - saying any fish released dies. Mostly the ones who hide behind a screen name. They'll twist my words inside out - but I'll post the suggestion - none the least.

Ain't no winning some days.

I'll stand beside you in that request. As far as releasing all fish over 40" fish, maybe im off base but I think there is a huge difference between releasing all spring fish and those over 40. What truly is the difference between a 39" fish and a 40" fish in terms of eggs released and viability of the eggs? A 38" fish? A 35" fish? Where do we draw the line? They are all breeders. Releasing one 40" fish in a trip while keeping a limit of 36" to 39" fish never made sense to me.

While I do truly believe you release most of your fish over 40", I believe many of your followers are quick to call a 40"-"43" fish, a 39" fish in their reports so they look like conservationists or so they stay in your good graces (for lack of a better word).

SimpleBiology 01-06-2011 10:17 PM

Trolling this year sucked for me, Maybe because I'm more partial to jigging but one thing was for sure, I put away the broomsticks and started pounding the fish deep water jigging.

There will be little to no trolling trips in the future for me and my social crowd.

I do not believe the Striper population is in trouble.

I believe the numbers are down and with good management and good recruiment the stock will bounce back.

The juvenile index has been below average for several years now and until we have positve recruitment the population will stay low.

The striper population being low in number is not enitrely a bad thing. It allows bait fish to grow and replenish thier own stock. You guys just need to eat more bluefish.

And for all the guys that use Spot for bait get ready to chum again, 2 million less spot will impact the stock for a few months.

garlien 01-06-2011 11:40 PM

When do we get to stop talking about these "stripers" and start talking about "strippers" ?

Sad part is, if we could take greed out of the equation we would be much better off...I don't keep a damned thing...I am grateful that the bay provides me entertainment...I dont care if people keep fish (to eat)...I do care that people gaff fish that they think they are going to keep, only to throw them overboard when they catch bigger fish...I have seen that way too much....

Its like hunting for me...I dont do it, but that doesnt mean others should not...I would just hope that they eat what they kill...Otherwise its waste...and greed...and no one really ends up winning when greed comes into the equation....

Lastly, isnt this kind of conversation why we are all here talking instead of TF ? Lets at least all respect each others opinions...We are all entitled....

Enough of that...I just want to fish and cant with all the damned ice...Where the hell is this global warming thing ?

JigStix 01-07-2011 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by garlien (Post 9388)
When do we get to stop talking about these "stripers" and start talking about "strippers" ?

Sad part is, if we could take greed out of the equation we would be much better off...I don't keep a damned thing...I am grateful that the bay provides me entertainment...I dont care if people keep fish (to eat)...I do care that people gaff fish that they think they are going to keep, only to throw them overboard when they catch bigger fish...I have seen that way too much....

Its like hunting for me...I dont do it, but that doesnt mean others should not...I would just hope that they eat what they kill...Otherwise its waste...and greed...and no one really ends up winning when greed comes into the equation....

Lastly, isnt this kind of conversation why we are all here talking instead of TF ? Lets at least all respect each others opinions...We are all entitled....

Enough of that...I just want to fish and cant with all the damned ice...Where the hell is this global warming thing ?

I respect all of your opinions, but if I see something that is hypocritical I'll call you out. Don't take it personally, I won't when you do it to me.

Blakesdad 01-07-2011 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by SimpleBiology (Post 9387)
I do not believe the Striper population is in trouble.

I believe the numbers are down and with good management and good recruiment the stock will bounce back.

How can you possibly believe that ?

Chesapeake Rock 01-07-2011 06:14 AM

This post was orignally started because of fear that other posts would be used against us. but if it lead to restrictions for closing part of the trophy season and releasing fish over 40 like some people here suggested, wouldnt that be against us like restricting C&R?
And I don't think there is any thing wrong with the Rockfish population either

reds 01-07-2011 07:01 AM

Too bad the old ASMFC minutes are not available on line anymore. Years ago, the technical committee of that organization made it known that the large fish would slowly be caught up and the large size would diminish. I think this has come to pass.

Also when you build up a stock higher then it has been in years and then open it up for catching, there will be a larger then average catch rate. This combined with the warmer weather we had experienced over the last 7-10 years, has made the Striped Bass harvest above what used to be the norm.

Spot77 01-07-2011 09:03 AM

Help me out with a few things.

I thought I've seen it posted here and other places that the larger fish aren't as good to eat. Some people say they have more mercury in them. Is this true or just assumption?

Do a lot of people keep big fish just to make a trophy out of them?

Is c&r fish death really a big problem? No doubt some die, but I rarely see a dead Rock floating in the water and I'm out between 12 and 20 times a year from March through December. Is the bay just so damned big that I'm missing all of them?

Would a large scale education effort help in reducing the number of c&r fish deaths? I know when I'm bass fishing I take very good care of a fish; holding it with as little contact as possible, getting some water through it before letting it swim off on its own, etc. I do the same with every fish I catch, even White Perch. I'm certainly not the liberal, tree hugging, kumbayah kind of person, but I believe in treating life with respect...all life. Well, except bugs perhaps.

I don't think a lot of new regulatory changes are going to make a big difference one way or the other. First, people are creatures of habit and a very large percentage of the population will continue "business as usual" anyway. Laws and locks are only for honest people after all. Second, I have little faith in DNR being able to do anything that will measurably help. Oh sure they'll massage some figures that will give them the results they want. But there's no way they can forecast variables beyond their control such as droughts, algae blooms, pfysteria outbreaks, other odd weather patterns or a man made disaster. I have no doubt there's some great poeple working at DNR who really care, but it is government after all, and DNR isn't exempt from corruption, being misinformed and having too many layers of bureaucracy to be efficient all the time.

crabby and son 01-07-2011 10:05 AM

" Anything you say can be used against you."..............Gary

SimpleBiology 01-07-2011 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Blakesdad (Post 9390)
How can you possibly believe that ?

The science supports that conclusion, and My trips do also. If just one school of those breeding stock stripers has a good reproduction year and the enviromental factors support it, there will be a high juvenile index count. Most below average juvenile index's are a result of enviromental factors not the lack of a reproduction stock.

The Maryland DNR are constantly documenting striper data. Call the biologist's and ask them if what I'm saying is accurate.

If we go through several more years with below average juvenile index data you can expect there will be creel limit changes.

SimpleBiology 01-07-2011 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Spot77 (Post 9393)
Help me out with a few things.

I thought I've seen it posted here and other places that the larger fish aren't as good to eat. Some people say they have more mercury in them. Is this true or just assumption?

Do a lot of people keep big fish just to make a trophy out of them?

Is c&r fish death really a big problem? No doubt some die, but I rarely see a dead Rock floating in the water and I'm out between 12 and 20 times a year from March through December. Is the bay just so damned big that I'm missing all of them?

Would a large scale education effort help in reducing the number of c&r fish deaths? I know when I'm bass fishing I take very good care of a fish; holding it with as little contact as possible, getting some water through it before letting it swim off on its own, etc. I do the same with every fish I catch, even White Perch. I'm certainly not the liberal, tree hugging, kumbayah kind of person, but I believe in treating life with respect...all life. Well, except bugs perhaps.

I don't think a lot of new regulatory changes are going to make a big difference one way or the other. First, people are creatures of habit and a very large percentage of the population will continue "business as usual" anyway. Laws and locks are only for honest people after all. Second, I have little faith in DNR being able to do anything that will measurably help. Oh sure they'll massage some figures that will give them the results they want. But there's no way they can forecast variables beyond their control such as droughts, algae blooms, pfysteria outbreaks, other odd weather patterns or a man made disaster. I have no doubt there's some great poeple working at DNR who really care, but it is government after all, and DNR isn't exempt from corruption, being misinformed and having too many layers of bureaucracy to be efficient all the time.

It is scientifically documented that large predator species of fish contain higher PCB's on the east coast from eating numerous small fish. Merucry, lead and several other elements are cumlative and can not be broken down by the body, therefore every microscopic piece of these elements taken in by their host never leaves the host.

Are far as trophies, No. People eat the big fish irregardless of the long term exposure potential.

Delayed mortal as a result of catch and release is believe to be between 1 and 5 % depending on water temp and handling procedures.

Simply put, use circle hooks for baitfishing, pinch down all barbs on all hooks, release the fish without taking them out of the water and always wet your hands if you have to handle them.

Education is always important and should always be given but many people simply won't listen.

Your view of DNR is too critical, yes ,they are government however many of the biologist at the low end do thier jobs because they love it. Stop by their work centers and speak to them, most biologist are very eager to share knowledge if the listener is receptive.

Blakesdad 01-07-2011 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by SimpleBiology (Post 9397)
The science supports that conclusion, and My trips do also. If just one school of those breeding stock stripers has a good reproduction year and the enviromental factors support it, there will be a high juvenile index count. Most below average juvenile index's are a result of enviromental factors not the lack of a reproduction stock.

The Maryland DNR are constantly documenting striper data. Call the biologist's and ask them if what I'm saying is accurate.

If we go through several more years with below average juvenile index data you can expect there will be creel limit changes.

Let me try another avenue with you.

Can you and I agree that the Bay is a Cesspool ???

Skip 01-07-2011 03:39 PM

Jigstix - Never heard of a fisherman lying about his fish being smaller then it was. I think you give me far too much credit as far as TF.

Seen many " 40 inchers " that look more like 36 inchers - then the other way around in posted photos.

The 40 and over idea came from DNR - they issue an award ( citation ) for that size and over. The fish can be released - angler still gets credit. Just a good all around size.

My favorite spring fish are 30 to 33 inchers - as far as eating.

In years past - it was no big deal to get folks to release an over 40 , safe bet there would be more fish. In 2010 - most fish landed went into the box - no one gambled on getting another hit.

The real key would be to get charterboats in on the idea. Perhaps a one fish per two angler limit. This way - customer gets a nice fillet to take home. Everyone gets to reel in a fish but three are released - three are killed.

Worth trying but my gut says the big Rock will be overfished until few are left.

Spot77 01-07-2011 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by SimpleBiology (Post 9398)
It is scientifically documented that large predator species of fish contain higher PCB's on the east coast from eating numerous small fish. Merucry, lead and several other elements are cumlative and can not be broken down by the body, therefore every microscopic piece of these elements taken in by their host never leaves the host.

Are far as trophies, No. People eat the big fish irregardless of the long term exposure potential.

Delayed mortal as a result of catch and release is believe to be between 1 and 5 % depending on water temp and handling procedures.

Simply put, use circle hooks for baitfishing, pinch down all barbs on all hooks, release the fish without taking them out of the water and always wet your hands if you have to handle them.

Education is always important and should always be given but many people simply won't listen.

Your view of DNR is too critical, yes ,they are government however many of the biologist at the low end do thier jobs because they love it. Stop by their work centers and speak to them, most biologist are very eager to share knowledge if the listener is receptive.

Thanks for the info, that's pretty much about what I thought.

Also, I don't criticize the biologists nor many others in DNR. I just don't have confidence in the group as an organization due to most of the upper management being appointments or blindly following a political agenda more so than an effective agenda. It's like that with most government agencies in my experience. I know there are plenty of good people working there who do there jobs because they love it.

Not a jab at the current state government; I know it's pervasive through all of the administrations.

SimpleBiology 01-07-2011 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Blakesdad (Post 9399)
Let me try another avenue with you.

Can you and I agree that the Bay is a Cesspool ???

Yes, We can agree on that. The water quality is horrible. Tell all your freinds and neighbors to reduce thier use of all chemicals especially lawn fertilizers.

SimpleBiology 01-07-2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Spot77 (Post 9403)
Thanks for the info, that's pretty much about what I thought.

Also, I don't criticize the biologists nor many others in DNR. I just don't have confidence in the group as an organization due to most of the upper management being appointments or blindly following a political agenda more so than an effective agenda. It's like that with most government agencies in my experience. I know there are plenty of good people working there who do there jobs because they love it.

Not a jab at the current state government; I know it's pervasive through all of the administrations.

You and I agree on the political spectrum, too often blind faith causes everybody who follows to "drive into the ditch". Men with backbones are far and few between.

justchillin 01-07-2011 05:14 PM

Damn Marty I let you drag me into this one . In reading this thread throughout the health of our rockfish population is important to all of us, I replied to B- Faithfuls post on the NC.record on tf. It appears they are really nailing them dowm off NC. I'm hoping and trying to be optimistic that the weather and all the fresh water from the snows last winter had something to do with our low catches last spring and the colder than average fall kept our fall fishing limited? I know it is probably wishful thinking but it is going to take more than 1 year of slow fishing to scare me into there will be no more big fish. According to what i'm reading they are in the ocean . Skip you know you are very respected in my book and as knowledgable as any commercial fisherman out there, I have to question you on the statement on commercial boats only keeping 1 fish per 2 anglers. In my opinion ocean limits should be the same as our limits only 1 fish per angler. I realize that commercial captians are much more knowledgeable than just regular rec fisherman like me and catch way more fish but if i was a betting man you could combine both commercial and rec hook and line fishing catch and kill and catch and release and not meet the mortality of rockfish killed in the nets reguardless of size? Just some food for thought wondering others opinions

JigStix 01-07-2011 07:00 PM


Do a lot of people keep big fish just to make a trophy out of them?

Is c&r fish death really a big problem?

I think people keep big fish to brag then have no idea what to do with them. I also believe people keep a limit just because they can. I have many guys at the plant who come in all of trophy season and give away rock because they caught it. I mean filets on top of filets.

As far as c&r, with temps below 60 the dnr showed a kill rate of .08%. That's a # I can live with.

Skip, look back at reports. Very few 40" fish reported kept, but a whole lot of 39s. I stand by my assertion that you should draw the line to release below 40". I would bet there is little difference between # of eggs in a 35" and 40" fish, but I'd bet 100 times more 35" fish are caught. Therefore releasing all over 40" probably has 1000 times less impact on the stock thanaway a 36" limit.

I don't always agree with you, but your opinion carries weight on these little boards. People ask you for advice and are afraid you won't give it if they break any of the rules you preach. They are also afraid to disagree with you. Not your fault at all. Why do I say this and how do I know? Because I got 2 separate bm saying it. And earlier this year when I gave you some crap, I got another bm from one of your friends thanking me for saying it because many don't want to say it for the reasons I stated above. This is not sn indictment on you, it's actually a form of flattery, and a small bit of usery.

We will never get sn agreement to c&r all spring from folks, but I think it's a great idea and will continue to do so.

Skip 01-07-2011 07:43 PM

Justchillin - The netters take a lot - one idea tossed around was a $5.00 Rockfish stamp - money would buy out the netters. Never heard if it even got off the ground.

One thing is the amount of fish that poachers take. It's much more then most realize.

Jigstix - If I've ever been rude to some one keeping a legal fish over 40 - please call my attention to it. Believe me or not but this year there were a lot of 38 to just under 40 inch fish around.

As far as me holding it against someone - you really do not know me.

It is only a SUGGESTION on my part. Now / then one even goes in the box on my boat. The idea is not to kill them all.

I think many are starting to see DNR for what it is. Common sense would be to require C/R until May 15th on bigger fish - like it used to be.

Until something changes - as long as it is a legal catch / kill - not much someone can complain about it. There is always one or two folks who will criticize / nit pick a post here or on TF. Some I swear live to be miserable - judging by the vemon them type.

There is no easy / simple fix. Limit years ago in spring was 36 inches - now it is 28.

JigStix 01-08-2011 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 9411)
Justchillin - The netters take a lot - one idea tossed around was a $5.00 Rockfish stamp - money would buy out the netters. Never heard if it even got off the ground.

One thing is the amount of fish that poachers take. It's much more then most realize.

Jigstix - If I've ever been rude to some one keeping a legal fish over 40 - please call my attention to it. Believe me or not but this year there were a lot of 38 to just under 40 inch fish around.

As far as me holding it against someone - you really do not know me.

It is only a SUGGESTION on my part. Now / then one even goes in the box on my boat. The idea is not to kill them all.

I think many are starting to see DNR for what it is. Common sense would be to require C/R until May 15th on bigger fish - like it used to be.

Until something changes - as long as it is a legal catch / kill - not much someone can complain about it. There is always one or two folks who will criticize / nit pick a post here or on TF. Some I swear live to be miserable - judging by the vemon them type.

There is no easy / simple fix. Limit years ago in spring was 36 inches - now it is 28.

These are the words of people you fish with and some I'd assume are friends. I got 2 more more tonight. Don't take it personally it really should be flattering in a roundabout way. I don't know you but these are the words of those who do.

Bug Guy 01-08-2011 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Spot77 (Post 9393)

... People ask you for advice and are afraid you won't give it if they break any of the rules you preach. They are also afraid to disagree with you. Not your fault at all. Why do I say this and how do I know? Because I got 2 separate bm saying it. And earlier this year when I gave you some crap, I got another bm from one of your friends thanking me for saying it because many don't want to say it for the reasons I stated above. ....

You know, I had a smart ass remark in mind. But honestly, I think is an example of why people don't report any more. Too often, people get on the net in these forums and decide that they need to be internet cops and best friends to all. They feel the need to be a savior to all the other people out there. It's just too annoying to be an active member of any forum any more, and it's tiring having to deal with it.

They (the internet cops) accuse people of doing illegal things and "call them out for it"...when in reality, if they are so sure an illegal activity has occurred, they should man up and call the DNR. Posting on this forum and "calling someone out" does nothing of consequence for anyone.

They accuse people of being jerks or hypocrites and "call them out for it"...when honestly, who gives a rat's a$$ - what does that actually accomplish? Nothing. Who are you saving these hypocrites from? It's a forum on the internet, it's not important. And anyone can post anything, and if you don't know that, you are a moron and probably beyond help anyway.

They figure they understand people from what they read on an internet forum, in the comfort of their own home, hiding behind a screen name, without ever meeting them - and then feel the need to make sure everyone else knows what mysteriously important piece of information they figured out...when honestly, you don't know sh!t about that person because this is an internet forum and not the real world. I could write that I'm the King of Siam and you have no idea if I'm telling the truth, drunk, stupid, an a-hole, or actually the king. My reports could be true or false. My successes could be truth or lies. I could BM you right after I write this and say exactly what you wrote above about being afraid of Skip, and it would be a lie...or would it? You have no idea if I'm actually Skip's friend and if I'm telling you the truth. My point, this is an internet forum and you can't tell anything about anyone from it.

To all the internet cops out there, please do us all a favor - if you have a problem with whomever, keep it to yourself because frankly I think most people don't need you to help them figure out who the hypocrites and bad people are, and the rest of us just don't care. Better yet, if someone writes something annoying, ignore it really important to you what someone says on here, and if people are truthful or not?

Usually I choose to ignore posts like this. However, the Jets/Colts game is beyond boring (until the last minute) and I just felt compelled even though this post is generally what I just railed against (that's called a catch 22 right?). But really, you don't have to care who I am or what my feelings are. I don't need to impress anyone here. No need to reply, because I probably won't care what you have to say in response anyway. No offense, just being honest.



Spot77 01-09-2011 10:15 AM

Bug Guy:

I think you goofed up something. You have attributed a quote to me which is not mine.

So I'm not sure if you thought you were replying to me, or the author of those words.

Spot77 01-09-2011 10:17 AM

Oh, but for the record, I agree with your response.

And I see why your reply is goofed. You quoted somebody that replied to me in part, but they goofed up the quote tags.

SimpleBiology 01-09-2011 10:26 AM

Bug Guy,


You are having a bad day. Ligthen up. No one else gives a crap. Let'em fight back and forth. It provides humor.


5th Tuition 01-09-2011 12:21 PM

I don't know what the "perception" of me is on the internet. But those that know me and fish with me know going in that I usually critisize the type of boat you own, your choice of electronics, your spread (even the lures), and location you fish.
It seems to work for me:D. Try it next time out, as a HO, you have an obligation to help improve the fishing techniques of your host:eek:.

I'm retired, so I'm available to jump on your boat anytime.

p.s. I only keep fish 40 inches and over (they fill the box up faster).
p.p.s. I've already been invited on Brandon's new boat as soon as it's built for the madien fishing trip.
5th (Marty)

Skip 01-09-2011 03:48 PM

Marty - only over 40's you catch , you net from my wake - since we all know all C/R fish die :D.

garlien 01-09-2011 06:40 PM

Damn Marty...I need to get into Skip's wake as well !


5th Tuition 01-09-2011 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Skip (Post 9430)
Marty - only over 40's you catch , you net from my wake - since we all know all C/R fish die :D.

Skip; you give me too much credit with handling a net; right Alan:rolleyes:?
5th (Marty)

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