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Fish Nut 03-05-2014 06:17 AM

3 rod limit workgroup 3/5/2014 6:00pm
SFAC Recreational Gear Workgroup Meeting - 6 - 8 pm


Tawes State Office Building, C-1

Contact swidman for more information.


Hunter 03-05-2014 08:16 AM

Rob....I thought this issue was resolved and we were to be back where we were last year before this issue surfaced it's ugly head.

5th Tuition 03-05-2014 09:32 AM

You just keep catching fish in the Keys:D

My understanding:
The law went into effect last Dec. It can't be repealed (if that happens), until end of June or 1st of July. DNR is ANTICIPATED to issue an emergency order stopping enforcement for this season ONLY. This leaves next season as a possibility:mad:

Everything DNR has said, leads us to believe it was done as a "housekeeping" proposal. There has been a 3 rod rule for freshwater for quite some time, so to be consistent, they simply combined fresh and tidal to become the same restriction.

However, if you look deeper, DNR claims they have been in the process of accomplishing this for at least two years:eek::eek: They claim it has been under study, gone through the approval process, including public comment period and no opposition was presented by either the public or their representatives (MSSA, CCA, SFAC).

Now, don't those two comments above seem to be opposite of each other? If it was a simple "housekeeping" procedure, why two years of pushing the agenda?

DNR is abandoning the measure this year MOSTLY because the tackle stores complained that a true IMPACT STUDY was not properly done and their business will be adversely affected. Based on this, they are not going to enforce the law this year.

I believe DNR will push to continue to support this restriction. Next year, restrictions appear to be coming. By scaring the hell out of us this year (with the three rod limit), DNR gets us to engage with them on HOW we impose restrictions next year. Will it be a rod restriction, planer board length, slot limit, reduced creel, return to trophy tags, start the season later, etc.; whatever the restriction, we (the rec) are now in the mind frame they want. We are considering WHAT restrictions we will tolerate, we are no longer debating IF restrictions need to take place.

DNR has won the war, we are simply trying to mitigate the consequences:rolleyes:

Everyone knows I'm a conspiracy theory person, but that's how I see it working out. I wouldn't mind as much if DNR would come out and tell us, "In order to save the stock, we need to implement some restrictions", but they don't work that way, they do this sneaky underhanded manipulation of the public in order to obtain the result they want.

Politics, Politics, Politics
5th (Marty)

Chessie27 03-05-2014 10:28 AM

DNR reply about tonight- I hope see you there!!
Yes all our workgroup meetings are open to the public. The goal of tonight's meeting is to discuss all the recreational gear rules again and ask for stakeholder advice related to them. (So we'll be discussing more than the 3 rod limit.) You may want to attend as the 3 rod limit will be discussed. We have heard comments both in favor and opposed and want to have a dialogue about rod limits and what stakeholders want to see in the long run. One obvious option is to make the emergency repeal of the 3 rod limit permanent. However, we want input from our stakeholders regarding other options as well (we'll go over what other coastal states have in place for rod restrictions).

Sarah Widman
MDNR Fisheries Service

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff []
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 7:18 AM
To: Widman, Sarah E
Subject: Tonight's gear meeting?

Is this meeting open to the public to attend? As a troller of multiple rods, is it in my best interest to drive an hour+ to attend or is this just a formality to repeal the 3 rod limit law?

Fish Nut 03-05-2014 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Hunter (Post 17324)
Rob....I thought this issue was resolved and we were to be back where we were last year before this issue surfaced it's ugly head.

Don: Stay in Florida. Nothing left in Maryland except for taxes and sodomy.

I am going tonight to have my input into the subject.

Skip 03-05-2014 04:38 PM

IMHO - It will be repealed next year. Far too much backlash - especially when DNR is allowing a 14% increase in commercial take.

shoreboy6 03-05-2014 09:14 PM

Just for clarification, is it 14% just for comms? I thought it was 14% across the board

Chessie27 03-05-2014 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by shoreboy6 (Post 17335)
Just for clarification, is it 14% just for comms? I thought it was 14% across the board

I thought it was across the board as well but it didn't really matter because recs never hit the allowable quota anyway.

Fish Nut 03-06-2014 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by shoreboy6 (Post 17335)
Just for clarification, is it 14% just for comms? I thought it was 14% across the board

The meeting was informative. Marty made some good points and in general it was an open work group. Receptive to opinions and statements.
Dnr is working on having the regulations set back to the normal rod limits for tidal water:D

The 14% increase is across the board. Comms get a 14% increase in quote.

Rec get a 14% increase on paper no additional fishing days, no increase in bag limit, no decrease in size limit.

B-Faithful 03-06-2014 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Fish Nut (Post 17338)
Rec get a 14% increase on paper no additional fishing days, no increase in bag limit, no decrease in size limit.

It is presumed that all the 2011 year class 16" fish will be 18" this year and anglers will be more successful.

However we have been well below our quota the last few years so we will see. Only good thing is that with the decrease in rec harvest is that MD bay sportsmen will not be hit hard with any ASMFC reductions next year because we have been under quota and we did not increase our opportunity with the 14% increase. :cool:

reds 03-06-2014 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by B-Faithful (Post 17340)
It is presumed that all the 2011 year class 16" fish will be 18" this year and anglers will be more successful.

However we have been well below our quota the last few years so we will see. Only good thing is that with the decrease in rec harvest is that MD bay sportsmen will not be hit hard with any ASMFC reductions next year because we have been under quota and we did not increase our opportunity with the 14% increase. :cool:

That's not how ASMFC operates. They have always been use it or lose it.
The political pressure from the northern states (yeah New Jersey also) will try to make Maryland absorb more of the reduction share then they do. Be wary of our reps on the committees. Some may cave with an excuse of conservation and leave Maryland bent over.

5th Tuition 03-06-2014 10:16 AM

I attended the "Redistribution of Rods" meeting last night:D

Sitting on the "panel" were a NRP Officer, a CCA representative, Frank Tuma (charter captain), a woman representing surf fishermen, Vince Ringgold (MSSA), Mark DeHoff (MSSA and UBBB :D) and Phill Langley (charter captain).
Part of the "public" in attendance were myself, Jeff (27chesapeake), Allan (JustChillin), Rob (Fishnut), Keith Fraisier (AllTackle), and maybe one or two other people.

DNR has requested that the 3 rod rule be eliminated THIS YEAR:eek: We should know in about 3-4 days if the General Assembly votes to agree on this postponement. Indications are that the 3 rod rule will be rescinded.

This was a GEAR committee, and lots of gear types were discussed and commented on. Some gear that was addressed were Crossbows, Eel Pots, Jugs, trot lines, Cast nets, and a couple others.
No where was planer line or boards listed in the "gear definitions" handout we received for the meeting.
However, someone on the panel (who jigs) decided he had to bring up planer boards and length of lines:eek::eek: As you can guess, a couple stories about near collisions or trollers not knowing the "rules of the road" had to come up:mad: I don't know why we have to jump at the opportunity to give privileges away. I sat behind the person that proposed the idea saying, "no, no, no":D
I immediately interjected that we had a NRP officer present, and we should ask him how many times a NRP boat needed to be sent to resolve a conflict over boards and line length!! Someone else on the board said they had seen trollers run over each others lines and cut off gear:eek: So I asked them "how often did you see this happen?". They had to admit that it was a rarity.
Planer boards, and line length, was dropped from the conversation:D

If I think there was one thing the panel got through to the DNR people, it's that there is a big difference between Tidal and Non-Tidal waters, and that different regs are needed for both.
They discussed Jugging regulations (yet no one on the panel jugs), they discussed Trot Lining for fish regulations (yet no one did this either). I took this as an opportunity to tell DNR that I thought this was at the very HEART of the problem with DNR. I told them that they continuously take recommendations from stakeholders who have no knowledge (or very little knowledge) about a type of fishing that they are addressing:rolleyes:
I went on to read a prepared statement I had composed that focused on DNR's constant attack on my fishing "effort". I pointed out that the PSCR restrictions had little to do with conserving the stock. Similarly, the 3 rod rule was never even proposed to be about conservation. My point was, that if DNR actually believes that the stock needs some conservation methods to be implemented, they have "tools" in their possession to accomplish this. However, they need to stop addressing my ability to "catch" (and return to the bay), and focus on my "keep" (those fish I put in the box and will never spawn again).

I have to say that DNR seemed very receptive to all comments. I thought I was only going to be able to read my prepared statement, but I was able to interject whenever the panel was finished discussing any of the topics. Rob, Allan, and Jeff were all able to make points freely as well. I'm glad we attended. We are all going to sign up for "constant contact"; an email service from DNR that will keep us updated on any future meetings.
All in all, it was a productive meeting. I do feel that this issue is not dead and buried. In three or four days, it may be dead for this year, but I believe it will continue to be addressed by DNR in the future. We need to stay vigilant. Too many stakeholders are quick to give up the privileges of another stakeholder group.
When the person who jigs was speaking about ELIMINATING planer boards, his theory was that without boards, a boat could only run a max of 8 or 9 lines. If this is the principle behind their theory, then why not regulate the size of the boat allowed to fish the bay:eek: Of course this sounds stupid:D. But isn't this exactly another way to limit the amount of rods used? If all private boats were limited to 16 ft, you could limit rods. Or, how about horsepower, lets regulate the max hp allowed on the bay. Don't start down a road that's not needed.

I digress, the meeting was well worth our time and effort.
5th (Marty)

mlag 03-06-2014 01:12 PM

Hey Marty,
Thanks so much for attending and keeping us informed. Now that you are retired, I nominate you to be a representative for recreational fishermen in the state of Maryland. Maybe we can get you on various committees so that you can keep your hands in the action and your mind razor sharp. Will anyone 2nd this motion?
I say this in a joking manner, however I do think that it would be a fantastic idea.....................................Mark

B-Faithful 03-06-2014 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by mlag (Post 17346)
Hey Marty,
Thanks so much for attending and keeping us informed. Now that you are retired, I nominate you to be a representative for recreational fishermen in the state of Maryland. Maybe we can get you on various committees so that you can keep your hands in the action and your mind razor sharp. Will anyone 2nd this motion?
I say this in a joking manner, however I do think that it would be a fantastic idea.....................................Mark

Seconded!!! :)

Hunter 03-06-2014 02:15 PM

I 3rd mlag's motion. Now back to fishing:D

B-Faithful 03-06-2014 02:42 PM

Unanimous! Marty is the official CBAngler representative to the DNR...

When Don gets back, he will work with you. ;)

5th Tuition 03-06-2014 03:33 PM

I was composed at the meeting, but if you speak to some people, a more appropriate title might be CBAnger:eek:

Mark and Don have both "talked me down off the wall" a couple of times:D

Now that I won't be getting up at 3:30am to drive to Deale, I may be able to keep my eyes open in the evening to make more DNR meetings.
I like representing myself, some of my opinions are unique to me:rolleyes:

Besides, I refuse to represent "Rattle Trappers" like Mike (garlien)!

We should be getting confirmation any day that the 3 rod rule has been eliminated through emergency legislation. When that happens, then I can celebrate, for this year:D

5th (Marty)

Chessie27 03-06-2014 06:07 PM

Wait, what did I do wrong? Why are you referring to me in (sort of) my full name - "27chesapeake"? When I screamed out "I Love jugs" at the meeting last night I had no idea that's the gear they were referring to.....:eek: :D


PS- great job last night and nice summary of it written here - thank you!

5th Tuition 03-06-2014 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Chessie27 (Post 17352)
Wait, what did I do wrong? Why are you referring to me in (sort of) my full name - "27chesapeake"?

I'm sorry Jeff; my computer will not let me type "Chessie27" upsidedown:D


garlien 03-07-2014 01:48 PM

Thank you
Thanks to all of you for your efforts...

I, like many people, have not had the time to be able to help influence this and other decisions that affect our ability to fish our waters...

I know I appreciatte your efforts, and am glad to know you have "our backs"...

Again, thanks.

Chessie27 03-10-2014 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 17351)
We should be getting confirmation any day that the 3 rod rule has been eliminated through emergency legislation. When that happens, then I can celebrate, for this year:D

5th (Marty)

Any word yet?

5th Tuition 03-11-2014 08:47 AM

I have heard nothing:mad:

I signed up for "constant contact" email from DNR, no news as of today.


5th Tuition 03-13-2014 11:53 AM

I just spoke to DNR (Sarah Widman) and no news yet. Still waiting on one committee member to sign off on the legislation:mad:

Three rod rule is still in effect as of now:eek:

B-Faithful 03-13-2014 04:54 PM

Does the 3 rod per person rule that currently is in effect nullify the 6 rod per boat for preseason? I will just bring 2 friends and run 9 rods.

5th Tuition 03-13-2014 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by B-Faithful (Post 17401)
Does the 3 rod per person rule that currently is in effect nullify the 6 rod per boat for preseason? I will just bring 2 friends and run 9 rods.

You rascal:D

5th Tuition 03-20-2014 08:59 PM

The Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review Committee has approved the emergency regulation. There is no longer a 3 fishing rod limit per person in tidal waters. The emergency regulation is effective beginning March 20, 2014 and will remain in effect for 180 days. The Department is currently discussing recreational gear regulations, including rod limits, with the Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission, fishing tackle shop businesses, sports fishermen and other interested parties. Based upon this information obtained from outreach with the recreational fishing community over the coming weeks, a permanent regulation will be submitted later this year.

Sarah Widman
Maryland DNR


Chessie27 03-21-2014 04:52 AM

Alright!!! Now we just need to pray for warm enough weather to use the boat within the next 180 days!

My guess is that there may be some sort of public meeting/ hearing on this topic within the 180 days?? I certainly would behoove people to show up to make sure that this law goes away permanently.

I vote for Marty to stay on top of this so we don't miss anything. :D

bhl 03-21-2014 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Chessie27 (Post 17444)
Alright!!! Now we just need to pray for warm enough weather to use the boat within the next 180 days!

My guess is that there may be some sort of public meeting/ hearing on this topic within the 180 days?? I certainly would behoove people to show up to make sure that this law goes away permanently.

I vote for Marty to stay on top of this so we don't miss anything. :D

My boat is snuggled in the slip and I will probably take it for a spin today:p.
Anything above 30deg is warm after this winter.

I think Mr. Carter has done a great job keeping us working people updated on this event. I guess I will have to retire next year so I can keep up with all the changes. Second thought, maybe I will just go to the Keys for half a year;).

bhl (Bruce)

5th Tuition 03-21-2014 07:42 AM

Thanks guys for the kind words, but I'm just the messenger. A good group of "scouts" is necessary for great fishing and it seems like it's needed for fishing regulations as well:)
A special thanks to Reds for 1st bringing this to my attention, Skip for giving me the final word, and Keith (AllTackle) for playing a pivotal part in rolling this legislation back:D

As you can see, the SFAC is continuing to look at gear. If the last gear committee meeting is any indication of what's to come, we need to stay vigilant in protecting each and every way of fishing. Too often, each stakeholder is too quick to "give up" a different stakeholders methods.
As I said to DNR at the last meeting, "DNR has many tools at their disposal in order help conserve the stock", but this three rod rule wasn't even proposed to be a conservation method:eek:
MSSA and CCA will be more aware of impending legislation and will notify us in a more timely manner in the future, HOWEVER, don't for an instant think that MSSA represents your "voice". I have personally seen MSSA committee members representing their own personal interests at the expense of other anglers. This bothers me, and it should bother you too. All MSSA members (of which I am not one) should call MSSA and "remind" them that they represent all anglers and that they will be held accountable for their decisions at the upcoming meetings.

Loading the boat today,
5th (Marty)

B-Faithful 03-21-2014 08:24 AM

Can I sign a paper that says Marty represents me at these meetings? :)

reds 03-22-2014 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by 5th Tuition (Post 17446)
Thanks guys for the kind words, but I'm just the messenger. A good group of "scouts" is necessary for great fishing and it seems like it's needed for fishing regulations as well:)
A special thanks to Reds for 1st bringing this to my attention, Skip for giving me the final word, and Keith (AllTackle) for playing a pivotal part in rolling this legislation back:D

As you can see, the SFAC is continuing to look at gear. If the last gear committee meeting is any indication of what's to come, we need to stay vigilant in protecting each and every way of fishing. Too often, each stakeholder is too quick to "give up" a different stakeholders methods.
As I said to DNR at the last meeting, "DNR has many tools at their disposal in order help conserve the stock", but this three rod rule wasn't even proposed to be a conservation method:eek:
MSSA and CCA will be more aware of impending legislation and will notify us in a more timely manner in the future, HOWEVER, don't for an instant think that MSSA represents your "voice". I have personally seen MSSA committee members representing their own personal interests at the expense of other anglers. This bothers me, and it should bother you too. All MSSA members (of which I am not one) should call MSSA and "remind" them that they represent all anglers and that they will be held accountable for their decisions at the upcoming meetings.

Loading the boat today,
5th (Marty)

The 6 month emergency period runs out at a weird time (Sept 20). Dnr will be up to their eye brows in other things and it will be easy to let the emergency reg revert. Here's hoping the SFAC is not in management mode of other user groups at the time.

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