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Slayer 12-01-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by drichitt (Post 1877)
A state of Cum By Ya has returned to TF. Ric and I have made our apologies. Now can we get back to talking about fishing...Don

Nowhere near me if I can help it!!

DirtyFrank 12-01-2009 05:41 PM

Dirty was here!

In before the lock.

Francis 12-01-2009 06:15 PM

Just don't make a joke about the boat ramps over there. . . :rolleyes:

JoeDirt 12-01-2009 07:03 PM

or give general areas of where you fished...

drichitt 12-01-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by der Fischadler (Post 1880)
As a casual bystander, here's my take on this topic;
Several of you were very vocal on TF when the pre-season C&R issue was presented. A couple weeks later, the same individuals are posting pictures of dead large cows which were full of roe and would spawn in a couple of months.
It comes across as hypocritical to some. It gives the appearance that certain people only jumped on the C&R bandwagon after they thought that their particular type of pre-season fishing was in jeopardy. Practice what you preach if you don't want to be criticized and lose credibility. For example; don't tell everyone to release all 40" fish and then post a report with a 44" fish that was killed.
I believe that no one should be chastised for posting fishing reports (i.e. do what you want as long as it is legal and moral). However; keep in mind that C&R means more to some people than just some type of regulation, it is a philosophy and approach to fishing that is that is practiced year round.
Shoot the messenger if you want, but that's the way it looks from my perspective.

Mark - Let me very clear about my position so it is not misunderstood as being hypocritical or convenient. I very much enjoy the preseason C&R, and in-season C&R and C&K. I love to catch, kill and eat rock fish when it is legal. I prefer to release the over 40" fish during C&K season, but have no problem with others not doing it; it's a personal preference only and not an agenda item. I am very unhappy about the DNR placing restrictions on preseason C&R, in the name of conservation, when any single day's activity during the Trophy season kills abundantly more fish than all of the preseason C&R activity. I am upset how one man representing approx. 200 members was able to have these restrictions put in place, to protect their precious Trophy season. But again, I like to catch, kill and eat rock fish when it is allowed by law. I am glad to see that you disapprove of others crapping on those who put up legit fishing reports; thanks...Don

Have I pissed you off somewhere in the past?

goinsfishin 12-01-2009 09:22 PM

I've carefully stayed out of all this C&R vs C&K BS on the "other" board......but to clarify for the record:
If it's a legal activity I'll do as I please......
If others disagree.....too bad.
Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one.

ericmagsamen 12-01-2009 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by goinsfishin (Post 1922)
Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one.

Perfect statement!

crabby and son 12-01-2009 10:18 PM

Damn Don...............A senior member already:D...............Gary

garlien 12-01-2009 11:49 PM

I am a lot like Mark, in that I have not kept a single fish I caught this summer (In Bay Waters, a couple of nice ones from Montauck were boarded, a friend is a charter captain there and they were out before I knew it)....

It would be interesting to have a quick poll about who keeps fish and who does not...Also would be fun to know if people kept onl certain type of fish....

So not sure it will take off but I for one keep no fish...I just love the sport...So the beginning of the poll starts off like this...

How many fish do you keep per trip ?

None - 1 (ME)
1 or 2 -
3 to 5 -
6 or more -

Slayer 12-02-2009 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by garlien (Post 1929)
I am a lot like Mark, in that I have not kept a single fish I caught this summer (In Bay Waters, a couple of nice ones from Montauck were boarded, a friend is a charter captain there and they were out before I knew it)....

It would be interesting to have a quick poll about who keeps fish and who does not...Also would be fun to know if people kept onl certain type of fish....

So not sure it will take off but I for one keep no fish...I just love the sport...So the beginning of the poll starts off like this...

How many fish do you keep per trip ?

None - 1 (ME)
1 or 2 -
3 to 5 -
6 or more -

Not on this board, please.

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