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5th Tuition 02-06-2015 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by reds (Post 19199)
Wasn't it proposed by "some" of the charter boat people? A certain sector in Solomon's?
If you knew that, why didn't you post that in the original post?

Whether you knew this or not, The Maryland Charterboat Association and the Upper Bay Captain's Association are both on board with the proposal.

That only leaves some the Deale Boys not spoken for since the Rod and Reel guys are mixed in with the Solomon group.

Oh and the president of the MCA has resigned.

Personally, I'd rather have 28" to 36" and the original proposal of over 43" then anything else.

Reds; I didn't put it in my original post because my "inside" information is a bit spotty and the Email from CCA didn't expressly say which organization proposed this new option. I had no idea so many of the charter guys were for this option.
From my perspective, I thought this would be undesirable to the charters.

Once again, we are approaching the Spring season with a big question mark. Last year, it was the "three rod rule"; this year it is size limits. I just don't understand why we have to get down to the wire to get answers.
As I said, I can live with either option.


Fish Nut 02-07-2015 08:36 AM

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::

Wow. I was actually considering getting back into the water..........

Shore Thing 02-11-2015 12:27 PM

I imagine those that profit from the spring tournamenst had a hand in the 40+ part of this. I think if they are going to implement any sort of slot limit it should be just that 28"-36" or 28-38" but MSSA and the like will not allow that to happen as it would shut down their tournaments.

B-Faithful 02-11-2015 01:34 PM

I dont care what the regulations are as long as we dont lose days... I am fine with the no-take slot or the 36" min. providing we are in compliance with the ASMFC and other states are doing their part too.

To play devils advocate though:
1. ASMFC tech committee advised against any form of slot due to the uncertainties they create
2. ASMFC Law enforcement committee advised against it too since it creates a lot more problems with law enforcement.
3. MCBA does have a message problem given all their testimony during the preseason debates and public hearings. They repeatedly testified that all the fish they released during the no-take slot of 2007 died upon release. (I am glad to see through their proposal that releasing fish isnt the concern they originally thought it was.. Marty maybe they would support eliminating the rod restriction during the preseason for you since that regulation is merely geared at success not mortality :) )

As far as the issue of killing breeders, the fact of the matter is that Maryland only accounts for less than 5% of the entire SSB harvest of all Atlantic states during the trophy season. It is typically timed so the majority of the spawn is over. Plus, The percentage of fish caught during trophy season that are over 40" is very very small. Allowing for a fish over 40" is going to result in few fish taken yet preserve the hunt for fish of a lifetime. It also preserves state records and tournaments for those of us who like to participate in the sport aspect of fishing. The coastal reduction is going to have a far greater positive impact than what we could do here in MD on the SSB.

I will say that I do think the one fish over 36" would be better for my charters as most who go with me are not avid fishermen and I believe are going to have a hard time throwing back a 37" fish, which could be a fish of a lifetime for them, only to keep a 31" fish. I also think the no-take slot will be much tougher to catch a limit than the one at 36" given the last couple of years have shown mostly fish 34-38" (which will be an inch or two larger this year)

I also do fear a lot of fisheries violations coming across the NRP blotter with the no-take slot thus creating a lot more criticism of the fishery.

Shore Thing 02-11-2015 01:45 PM

Hey Greg. Do you know what the actual number is that results in the 5% of catch? I still imagine that 5% equals tens of thousands of spawning female rockfish and tens of millions of eggs regardless of percentages. I have to disagree with the fact that they time the season so that most fish are spawned. If they back it up to May 1 then yeah but not currently. I think they should back it up to May 1 if there is really such a dyer outlook on the horizon.

B-Faithful 02-11-2015 01:57 PM

I dont have the number before me but according to DNR it accounts for less than 5% of the SSB harvest.

Bottom line is that the best opportunity for the citizens of Maryland to engage in the migrant fish is only a very small part of the take. The fact is that the coastal reduction, which focuses on these fish up and down the coast with far greater creels from NC to Maine, will protect and preserve the SSB far more than what we could ever do here in MD with our shortened season and already low creels. Lets face it, the take from the entire coast, where some states have had a recreational creel of 3 fish per person (NJ), or very large commercial harvests on only fish over 34" (mass), or HUGE recreational takes almost exclusively on the SSB (NY).. Our take on big fish is peanuts. This isnt to point fingers at the other states but just the fact of who takes what. Our take is vastly on resident fish both commercial and recreational. These resident fish are said to be mostly male and the ASMFC doesnt have reference points for the bay yet to see if a reduction in the bay is needed or would even benefit the fishery.

B-Faithful 02-11-2015 02:04 PM

If you want to see harvest numbers from years past during the trophy season, see my post from 2013 here:

I gave harvest numbers with what the regulations were for the given year. Note that the 2009 numbers were viewed as a statistical error by the ASMFC.

(yes I was advocating for a no take slot in 2013 but more so supported the 1 @36"+ this year. This was based more on the fact that the ASMFC TC and LEC prefers that it not be done. I believe that MD should not have asked for conservation equivalency so we had a leg to stand on down the road should further reductions be needed. Plus I dont want NRP blotters filled with rec violations. I am told that MD is going to protest the 20.5% reductions in the bay too so I think it is a bit "ballsy" to ask for both conservation equivalency and file a protest on the bay reductions )

Shore Thing 02-11-2015 03:17 PM

If there really is a problem with the rockfish population which I dont totally buy then recreational fishermen need to make some concesions. Since commercial fishermen cant keep fish over 36" then there should be a slot limit for recreational fishermen 28" to 36" to coinside and the season should be moved back to May 1 so spawning fish are given time to do what they came here to do. Just my take on things if you want to make a difference in Maryland.

B-Faithful 02-11-2015 03:29 PM

If we are going to base recreational regulations on commercial regulations, then we all should have to use the same gear-type, have the same size limits, and season lengths. Maybe we should all have the same creel and eliminate limited entry too.. This should be for all species also.

Bottom line is just because we have the regulation in MD that the commercial cannot keep a fish over 36" doesnt mean we should apply the same regulations to the recreational fishery. For what it appears to me, the Maryland recreational side is taking quite a hit this year with the no-take slot that eliminates the take of lot of fish out there. We will also have a 20" min this summer.

Look at the regulations out there for Bluefin, flounder, seabass, etc. There are different size limits on commercial and recreational takes on most species.

Shore Thing 02-11-2015 04:47 PM

To each his own but I think fishery rules and regs should be skewed toward the commercial fishermen. They are doing it to make a living. Rec fishermen should be in it for the fun. Plus commercial fishermen pay exponential more in license and fees. Fees being the cost to obtain the license. Recreational fishermen need to make some concessions to help the fishery. I feel the same way about crabs.

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